  • 學位論文


Effect of the Mold Surface Temperature Control on Color Difference of Part Appearance

指導教授 : 陳夏宗


由於人類隨著經濟生活品質的提升,對於產品的品質、外觀質感的呈現要求愈來愈高,然而基於全球經濟競爭與資源的短缺以及人類環保意識的提升,美觀及低成本並具備環保訴求之產品已成為目前各大企業努力的目標。 為了達到上述之需求,業界不斷的發展並應用各種模具快速加熱冷卻技術,動態模溫控制的方式減少熔膠的凝固層厚度及成型阻力,增加其高分子熔膠的流動與充填、微結構的複製性或縮短成型週期等,在減少塗裝製程降低成本的同時,也可得到其高品質的塑膠產品。 本研究針對塑膠產品之表面咬花與高光亮面製程在射出成型上以傳統式與全面及局部動態溫控搭配感應加熱系統在不同模溫及熔膠溫度下探討因溫度變化對產品表面色差之影響,並以分光測色計作數值化的分析,找出影響色差之主要因子。 實驗結果顯示,此次影響色差之主要因子為光澤明亮度;咬花及亮面模仁表面溫度在全面及局部感應加熱控制下,產品表面色差隨著模溫升高而增加,單一模溫參數條件下,同一表面距離進澆點越遠,色差值增加、光澤明亮度為較暗的趨勢。


Along with the world economy is highly developed which enhances a better quality of life for human, customers are demanding the ideal product is not only high quality but also good surface texture of appearance. To meet those requirements, industrialist are continually developing and applying varies of technologies such as dynamic mold temperature control to reduce the thickness and forming resistance of the part, increase the flow and filling ability, help the replication of the micro structure and decrease the cycle time etc. That is producing the high quality of plastic goods and saving the painting process to cost down in the meanwhile. This study is focus on influence on color difference of parts appearance from temperature change of the texture surface and the high gross surface of the plastic product by injection molding process. The parameters including the traditional injection molding, the overall and partial of dynamic mold temperature control injection molding with different mold temperature and melt temperature. The results show that the key influence of color difference is caused by lightness, texture and high gross of mold surface temperature are under the overall and/or partial detective heating control. The color difference of product surface is increasing with the mold temperature as going up, at the fixed mold temperature condition, the color difference is increasing and the luster brightness is decreasing with the distance from the gate on the same surface.


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