  • 學位論文

台灣教會婦女事工的角色與地位之探討 ─以台福基督教會為例

An Investigation on the Role of Women Ministries in Taiwanese Churches: A Case Study of Evangelical Formosan Church

指導教授 : 歐力仁


本論文嘗試提出合乎聖經教導的婦女事奉原則,同時訪談女性基督徒牧師及傳道,藉此了解女性牧者服事的現況與事奉的角色,教會積極鼓勵婦女參與教會各樣事奉,在合神的心意下,婦女的事奉應被教會重視與肯定,本論文旨在以台福基督教會為例,探討台灣教會婦女事工的角色與地位,追求男女平等的現代社會裡,神的兒女們只要有恩賜和呼召,不分性別,不受文化社會環境的影響,都可毫無轄制地參與教會事奉。冀望藉由聖經中婦女領導角色以及現代婦女事奉現況,建立公平參與的教會事奉。 本文第一章介紹婦女教會事工的歷史,從中世紀末葉教會到現代女權運動與教會婦女事工;第二章為以聖經為依據探討教會婦女服事角色,分別從舊約、新約社會經濟結構、宗教背景來了解聖經中婦女的事工;第三章以舊約中的底波拉及以斯帖、新約中的呂底亞及百基拉,以這四位聖經人物中婦女的領導角色,來探討婦女的事奉角色作為現代女性領導的參考;第四章則是華人社會與台灣教會婦女的事工概況,從華人文化對教會婦女事工的影響華人社會教會婦女事工的發展歷史,進而台灣教會婦女事工現況,為台灣婦女帶來身份地位提升的現代信息和神學反省;第五章介紹台福基督教會婦女事工並透過專訪五位現代婦女於服事上發揮神所賜予的屬靈恩賜鼓勵婦女們自我肯定,堅持神所賜予的異象與感動服事主,最後是本文的結論,針對教會對婦女事奉應有的態度及婦女事奉的展望提出個人拙見,並呼籲教會和神學院應教導及傳遞婦女意識,以改善教會整個大環境。


This thesis tries to use Bible as a principle for women engagement in church services. It interviews female pastors and preachers to understand the role of female ministries in church. Females participate in all kinds of ministries should be encouraged in church. Evangelical Formosan Church is cited as an important example. In a modern society where gender equality is valued, as long as God’s sons and daughters have spiritual gifts and respond to God's calls, they should freely participate in church services irrespective of gender, cultural, and social differences. By highlighting leading female roles in the Bible and the status of modern female ministries, this study establishes fair engagement for church services. This thesis is organized as follows: Chapter One introduces the history of female ministries, from the late Middle Ages to modern women’s rights movements and female church ministries. Chapter Two explores the role of females in church service according to the Bible. Socioeconomic structures and religious backgrounds from the Old Testament and New Testament illuminate female engagement during church services. Chapter Three uses as example some leading female characters such as Deborah and Esther of the Old Testament and Lydia and Priscilla of the New Testament to examine the role of female ministries, serving as a reference for modern female leaders. Chapter Four presents an overview of female ministries in the Chinese society and Taiwanese churches. The influence of the Chinese culture on female ministries, the development history of female ministries in Chinese society, and the current state of female ministries in Taiwanese churches all convey a message of status elevation for Taiwanese females and contribute to theological reflection. Chapter Five introduces female ministries in Evangelical Formosan Church, featuring five modern females who use their spiritual gifts to engage in church service. This study encourages females to affirm themselves and preserve their visions and inspirations bestowed by God to serve Him. To conclude, this paper not only tenders personal opinions on the attitudes that churches should hold toward female ministries and forecasts the state of female ministries, but also calls on churches and theological seminaries to teach about female consciousness, thereby spurring fundamental changes to the church.


