  • 學位論文


The Study of Car Equipment Buying Behavior

指導教授 : 廖本哲


本研究主要研究重點在於購買汽車時,消費者對於配備導向於購買選擇上之影響,將消費者在購買的選擇上區分為歡樂舒適性與安全保障性兩種。並探討於不同的購買期間所牽涉之購買意願強弱,是否主導著消費者購買商品之決策。 本研究分為兩個實驗來探討,以下為本研究之主要結果: (1)搭配歡樂性、舒適性之商品配備,提供汽車產品更具享受歡愉的感受,能切合求成導向消費者的偏好,求成焦點消費者也有較高的購買意願。能夠提升消費者感受「對的感覺」,在歡樂性配備的搭配下,增加消費者的購買意願。 (2)搭配安全性、保障性的商品配備,讓汽車產品提供了更多安心與保障感覺,具有更趨向可能可以避免未來產生痛苦與損失的感受,而避敗導向的消費者在安全性訴求中,會有較高的購買意願。 在購買汽車產品的涉入程度不同時,無購買意願的消費者較理性的看待選擇,符合上述的研究結果;而購買意願較高的消費者,則不明顯。在消費者的整體購買行為上,若採取感性訴求策略,將可促進消費者購買意願增加。 汽車為高單價商品,產品同質性高,價格相近條件下,在各大品牌間則需藉由促銷競爭,來拉攏消費者,若能有效運用消費者心理層面需求,以促進消費者青睞,並運用於其它產業,創造出更多利基市場。


This research focused on the influence of selection for car equipments when buying a vehicle. The author divided the car equipments into two types: one is for “delighted comfort” and the other is for “security”. And this study also make an argument about whether the willingness of consuming during different time affects the decision of consumers. There are two experiments in the research. The main result is listed below: 1. With delighted and comfortable equipments, the car brings more joyfulness to fit the preference of consumers with “promotion focus” and also stimulates their desire of purchase. The vehicle with delighted equipments can supply the feeling of “rightness” to strengthen the purchasing desire. 2. With secure equipments, the car brings more senses of safeness as well as the possibilities of prevention from pains and losses in the future. It stimulates the consumers with “prevention focus” to buy due to their appealing for security. Within different involvement in purchasing, people who don’t have desires to buy usually can treat choices rationally. This situation corresponds to the above study. However, it’s obscure for people who have desires to buy a car. In all purchasing, the company will enhance the consumers’ desires if they take perceptual-appealing strategies. Cars are products with high prices. When the qualities and the prices of goods are close, the companies need to compete by sales promotion among various brands to be attractive. Thus, if the companies can meet purchasers’ mind requirements successfully and make use of this in other industries too, they definitely are able to create more benefit-based markets.


car buying behavior regulatory fit


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