  • 學位論文


The influence of Puffery in Advertisements on Consumer’s Product Evaluation study

指導教授 : 廖本哲


科技日益進步帶動多媒體蓬勃發展,而廣告的呈現方式已不再局限於枯燥乏味的產品介紹;取而代之的是專業的布景道具、令人意想不到的廣告情節、特殊的後製剪接技術及豐富的聲光效果,使得消費者胃口越來越大。單調無趣的廣告已經無法引起消費者興趣,使其留下深刻的印象,廣告主也面臨更嚴酷的挑戰,因此,誇大已逐漸成為廣告主廣泛運用的廣告呈現方式,藉以與競爭對手有所區別,並讓消費者留下深刻印象,甚至引起討論及模仿風潮。而誇大的廣告呈現方式,雖然能有效吸引消費者目光,但是否真的能夠讓消費者給予較高的產品評價,使其產生購買意願,進而採取購買行為,其廣告效果仍有待觀察,因此,本研究運用實驗的方式,進一步探討誇大廣告對消費者產品評價之影響,並將媒體、廣告呈現方式、產品類型及產品知識納入研究變數,分析誇大廣告出現於何種媒體類型時,消費者會給予較高的產品評價,此外,本研究亦細部分析產品類型及消費者產品知識程度,是否對產品評價產生干擾效果。 本研究共提出三項研究假設,而研究結果發現,當廣告來自專業雜誌時,誇大的廣告呈現方式將獲得較高的產品評價,而當廣告來自流行雜誌時,消費者產品評價並無明顯高低差異,此外,產品知識程度較高的消費者認為,誇大廣告出現在專業雜誌時,是提供其產品新資訊,因而給予較高的產品評價,但誇大廣告出現在流行雜誌時,消費者認為廣告可能是要說服其購買該產品,而給予較低的評價。


As the technology has progressed rapidly, the current trend of making advertisements is not limited to boring product introduction, but with more professional properties, unexpected plots, special editing techniques and copious sound effects. Consumers are fussy about the advertisement content as well as the creativities they presented, so that they won’t be interested in boring advertisements anymore. All the commercial products have to face the challenge of making their advertisements impressively. Therefore, advertising puffery becomes one popular method for commercials. Though puffery can attract consumers effectively, it is questionable about their evaluation and purchase intention toward the product. We have conducted the experiment to discuss about the influences of pufferies on consumers’ product evaluation, including variables such as: media, advertisement context, product category and consumers’ knowledge. In addition, we investigated which type of media will receive the higher product evaluation. Moreover, we analyzed about how product category and consumers’ knowledge affect the product evaluation. Our research proposed three assumptions. The results reveal that advertising pufferies posted in professional magazines obtain higher product evaluation from consumers than the ones presented in popular magazines. Moreover, knowledgeable consumers consider gave higher product evaluation for pufferies because they considered that advertisements in professional magazines, even presented with exaggerations, are intended to provide new information about the product. Nevertheless, pufferies in popular magazines were perceived as advertisements that merely urge consumers to purchase therefore, receive lower produce evaluation.


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