  • 學位論文


Energy Efficiency, Consumer Behavior and Energy Consumption in Taiwan's Wholesale and Retail Industries

指導教授 : 朱珊瑩


2004 年,台灣批發零售業屬於耗電量高、節能量低的行業別;因此,經濟部能源局於之後的 2005 年起,便開始投入節能輔導措施。迄今,台灣推動節能輔導措施已行之多年,然而,目前尚無一個正式的研究以評估節能輔導措施成效。據此,本研究的目的為評估節能輔導措施所執行的操作調整、控制調整與設備更新是否有效地改善批發零售業的高耗電量問題。 本研究延用 Oikonomou et al. (2009) 的經濟理論,以能源效率改善與消費行為模式貫穿整篇論文。 本研究首先進行節能輔導措施採行前後的能源效率平均數差檢定,結果呈現設備更新是屬於能源效率改善的節能技術;而操作調整、控制調整則歸於消費行為模式的節能技術。 接著,本研究再利用縱橫資料模型 (Panel data model) 估計各建築類型的節能輔導措施與其它因素對於用電需求量之影響。 縱橫資料的實證結果顯示平均電價與用電需求量呈現負向關係,此結果反應政府實施以價制量的電價提高政策發揮效果,亦即其能有效地降低批發零售業的用電量。另外,由於台灣綠建築節能政策起步較晚,而造成許多近期的建築物停留在高耗能建築設計的建造年分,因此,實證結果呈現建造年份與用電需求量為正向關係。至於節能輔導措施對用電需求量的效果,本研究發現批發零售業講究舒適環境而造成各建築類型的冷凍空調用電需求量與操作調整、控制調整多為正向關係。然而,設備更新與冷凍空調用電需求量為負向關係,此結果隱含批發零售業採用能源效率改善的節約方式會比消費行為模式的節能方式更適合冷凍空調系統來進行節能。最後,針對照明系統的分析顯示,不論是能源效率改善或消費行為的節能技術都可以減少照明用電需求量。 總而言之,能源局實施的節能輔導措施以設備更新成效最佳,即表示能源效率改善的節能技術比消費行為模式的節能技術更適用於台灣批發零售業。根據研究結果,本研究建議政府應強化消費行為模式的節能技術,改善方式可以參考日本的能源使用合理法與節能預算編列,或者仿效歐盟以能源稅收來懲治高耗能使用者。


In 2004, Taiwan's wholesale and retail industries belong to high electrical-consumptions and low energy-saving industries. For this reason, government had started to perform the counseling energy-saving policies for them from 2005. However, so far there is no formal research to assess the effectiveness of energy-saving policies in Taiwan. To compensate for this lack, the purpose of this study is to assess the effectiveness of counseling energy-saving policies which are composed of three kinds of energy-saving techniques such as control adjustment, operational adjustments, and equipment upgrades. In addition, this study also provides an economic theory that uses energy improvement efficiency and consumer behavior to assess the energy-saving effects. We use two-sample mean test to gain that control adjustments and operational adjustments belong to consumer behavior and equipment upgrades belong to energy improvement efficiency. Subsequently, we use Panel Data Model to evaluate how three kinds of the counseling energy-saving policies and other factors affect electricity consumptions. Empirical results from Panel Data Model show that electricity price has a significant negative correlation with electricity consumptions. It means government has implemented price policies successfully. As a result of the green building policies start late in Taiwan, a lot of recent buildings still have remained in the architectural design of high energy use. This reason makes year built has a significant positive correlation with electricity consumptions. As for the effectiveness of counseling energy-saving policies, control adjustment and operational adjustments in the cooling system are significant positive with electricity consumptions; equipment upgrades are significant negative with electricity consumptions. It means that using energy improvement efficiency is more appropriate than consumer behavior in the cooling system. And then we also know that energy efficiency of improvement and consumer behavior both can reduce electrical consumptions in the lighting system. In a nutshell, we observe that equipment upgrades are the most effective policies. Therefore, adopting policies of energy improvement efficiency is most appropriate for energy saving in Taiwan's wholesale and retail industries. In order to strengthen policies of consumer behavior, we can refer to Japan's policies about reasonable energy use and budget control. Moreover, we can learn experiences from European Union which utilizes energy taxes to punish high-energy users.


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