  • 學位論文


The Practices of Educational Right of Students and The School Community Policy in Senior High Schools and Senior Vocational Schools

指導教授 : 傅玲靜


摘 要 高中職教育向下銜接國民教育,向上銜接高等教育,是國家重要的教育階段。但現今的高中職教育實存在諸多弊端亟須改革,其中包括學制與課程規劃使學生未能完全適性學習、競逐明星學校承受龐大升學壓力、城鄉及公私立學校間存在教育機會與資源的落差,以及學校與社區脫節等問題,復為因應十二年國民基本教育之發展需要,教育部於是提出高中職社區化之教育改革計畫。 高中職社區化計畫的推動期程,分為實驗性質的準備期以及正式性質的中程計畫兩階段,本研究以92至97學年度的中程計畫為中心,分析該計畫與高中職學生教育權落實之相關法律問題,期能作為後續教育計畫的參考。 本研究第一章緒論,首先就研究動機與目的及研究範圍與方法作說明,並進行相關文獻的回顧與評析。第二章介紹高中職社區化計畫,就計畫背景、沿革、主要意涵作簡要說明。第三章探討人民在高中職階段教育權利之保障,主要分析人民受高中職教育權以及高中職學生學習自由權之憲法基礎、權利功能或內涵,並檢視教育基本法對高中職教育權利之保障。第四章為高中職社區化計畫目標之檢視,從高中職社區化計畫之必要性出發,探討國家如何透過「建構適性學習社區」、「教育機會均衡化」、「教育資源均質化」三大目標之訂立,落實對學生教育權利的保護義務並實踐社會國原則。第五章則為高中職社區化計畫之執行策略與學生教育權之落實,以桃一區-中平學園為例,分別探討「學校間的合作契約書」、「社區生入學保障名額」、「經費獎補助」三項執行策略如何達成高中職社區化計畫之目標,同時使學生的教育權利獲得保障。此章亦對三項執行策略逐一進行法律疑義之分析或合法性檢視,在「學校間之合作契約書」部分,主要為該契約書之定性及監督條款之分析,並對契約書內容提出若干建議。在「入學保障名額」部分,則進行法律保留原則與平等原則之檢視。在「教育部之經費獎補助」部分,主要探討獎補助要點之法律保留原則與不當聯結禁止原則。第六章結論,提出本研究之總結,希望為未來的高中職教育改革計畫提供法制面之參考。


Abstract The Education in the Senior High School is in between the Elementary School and College. It is an important stage for a Nation. However, the existing education in senior higher school has some defects to be resolved. For example, the plan and program of the course that is not appropriate designed base on students’ nature. The pressure and stress for students to pursue the star schools. The resource and opportunity of the schools between the city and country, the public and private schools are unequal. The gap between the school and communality is there. In order to meet the requirement of the 12-year fundamental education plan, the Depart of Education proposed the reform plan, which is the school community policy in senior high schools and senior vocational schools. The school community policy in senior high schools and senior vocational schools has two phases. The first one is the experimental phase for preparation. The second one is the formal phase for mid-term plan. The research here is to analysis the legal issues related to realization of this plan to fulfill the educational right of senior high schools. And we expect the research can be the reference for the next reform plan. Chapter 1,The explanations and descriptions of the motivation, purpose, scope of works, and the methodologies. The related documents review.Chapter 2, The introduction of the school community policy in senior high schools and senior vocational schools, including background and evolutions.Chapter 3,The aspect of educational right in senior high school and senior vocational schools from the constitutional perspective.Chapter 4,The objects review from the essentiality to realize the obligation of educational right through the three major goals.Chapter 5,The review of the three strategies of execution and the realization of educational right base on the example in Chungli-Pinchen area.To review the three strategies from the legal perspective.Chapter 6,Summary and Suggestions.


