  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship among Word-of-mouth, Brand Equity and Purchase Intention : Taking Perceived Value as a Moderator Variable

指導教授 : 李正文


根據許多研究顯示,品牌權益可提高顧客忠誠度,吸引更多顧客,創造獲利與維持競爭優勢,因此維持並提高品牌權益為企業重要的行銷方式。 此外,現今全球網路社群已成為網路世代重要的交流管道,台灣約有48%網友在購買前先在網路上研究其他人發表的使用經驗與意見分享,約有41%的網友表示會將負面的使用經驗發表於網路供大家參考,且約有70%的消費者對網友在網路上發表的評價感到信賴,自組媒體已成重要傳播媒介。因此,品牌權益並不是影響消費者購買意願的唯一因素,網路口碑更是一重要因素。 知覺價值為消費者基於獲得與付出的認知,全面的評估產品帶來的效用,對產品產生物超所值知覺時便會進行購買。故除了網路口碑與品牌權益,知覺價值對於其關聯性亦會產生重要的影響。因此本研究探討網路口碑、品牌權益與購買意願三者之關係,並納入知覺價值為干擾變數,探討其對於關係模式之影響。 本研究以發放網路問卷與紙本問卷的方式進行樣本蒐集,網路問卷採滾雪球抽樣方式,紙本問卷採便利抽樣方式,有效問卷共210份。使用SPSS作為資料分析的工具,利用簡單迴歸、層級迴歸等方法對研究假說進行驗證。 研究結果所得之重要結論為:(1)網路口碑對消費者購買意願有顯著影響;(2)品牌權益對消費者購買意願有顯著影響;(3) 網路口碑對品牌權益有顯著影響;(4)在高知覺價值干擾下,網路口碑對購買意願的影響強度降低;(5) 在高知覺價值干擾下,品牌權益對購買意願的影響強度降低。


According to many researches, brand equity can improve the loyalty of customer, attract more customers and create competitive advantage to maintain profitability. Therefore, to enhance brand equity became a key marketing strategy of a enterprise. In addition, Internet has become an important channel of communication in the network generation. About 48% of network users in Taiwan searched people`s experiences and options before buying anything on the internet. About 41% of users declared to share the negative experience at the network. And about 70% of consumers trusted the experiences and options sharing on the network. It is said that the internet has become a major media group, so that the brand equity is not the only way that driving consumer willingness to buy, but the word-of mouth as well. Perceived value described a customer`s option of a product`s value to him or her. Besides word-of-mouth and brand equity, perceived value do great effect to consumer`s purchase decision. Hence the purpose of this study is not only to explore the relationships among word-of-mouth, brand equity and purchase intention, but also how perceived value moderate the relationships. The study collected 210 effective questionnaires by online snowball sampling and also convenience sampling. The way of SPSS statistical analysis software is used as data analysis includes simple regression and hierarchical regression analysis. The main results of this study is that : (1)Word-of-mouth has significantly positive effect on customer purchase intention. (2)Brand equity has significantly positive effect on customer purchase intention. (3)Word-of mouth has significantly effect on brand equity. (4)With the higher perceived value, the effect between word-of-mouth and purchase intention decreasing. (5) With the higher perceived value, the effect between brand equity and purchase intention decreasing.


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