  • 學位論文


Job Characteristics, Organizational Cynicism and Withdrawal Behaviors: Proactive Personality and Psychological Empowerment as the moderators

指導教授 : 郭建志




In recent years, due to the trend of global competitions, organizations must take some measures to elevate the competitive advantages of organizations for coping with environmental changes. This also pushes the relationships among employees, employers, and organizations to be changed. The employees begin to doubt about their organizatons’ honesty and have negative attitude and negative affectivity toward their organizations. This negative attitude and negative affectivity toward the organizations is called “Organizational Cynicism”. Therefore, how to reduce the organizational cynicism of employees is becoming the issue that enterprises and researchers care about. This research adopted the perspective of the job characteristics on organizational cynicism and the the relationship between organizational cynicism and withdrawal behavior, and the moderator roles of proactive personality and psychological empowerment. This research draws from 216 surveys, which is by convenience sampling and takes ordinary firms’ employees as participants and the results of the study were analyzed by statistical package. The research findings are: (1) The higher of MPS scores, the lower degree of organizational cynicism they have. (2) When employees had more organizational cynicism, they would performed more withdrawal behavior. (3) Proactive personality moderated job characteristic and organizational cynicism. (4) Psychological empowerment don’t moderate job characteristics and organizational cynicism. Finally, according to the results, implications of this study for future empirical research and limitations are discussed.


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