  • 學位論文

顧客滿意度調查之實證研究分析 -以某安養中心為例

The Empirical Research and Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Survey - Case Study in Senior Care Center

指導教授 : 楊錦洲


自八零年代以來,追求顧客滿意度已是企業界廣為追求的重要經營活動之一。多數的公司均會進行顧客滿意度調查,進而藉由調查結果來進行改善。為了找到改善重點,許多公司會進行品質屬性之重要度與滿意度同時調查及利用I-S模式分析來判定改善項目,找出迫切需要改善之項目。 多數公司在長期透過顧客滿意度調查發現,歷年來的滿意度分數會有高低起伏,波動的情況發生,因此本研究欲探討影響顧客滿意度的因素為何。是否是因採取改善對策後,顯著地提升顧客滿意度。而顧客期望的提高是否會影響滿意度。再者,評分人員的評量寬鬆是否也會造成影響。本研究以某安養中心(簡稱A公司)進行實證研究,利用問卷調查方式,調查其住戶對服務品質屬性所感到之滿意度與重要度。研究結果發現,服務鬆懈是造成滿意度下滑的主要原因,而在採取改善後,顧客滿意度顯著提升。並且隨著顧客期望的提高,顧客審視服務的標準也會隨之跟著上升,因而在滿意度分數上會受到影響,另外於此實證中,調查人員的評量寬鬆對餐廳構面最受影響,應減少評分誤差,提高評分的正確性。最後,期望經由本研究的結論與建議,得以幫助實證研究之安養中心在服務品質上的掌控與制定公司政策的參考依據。


Since the 1980s, pursuing the customer satisfaction is one of important activities in the business world. Most companies will do customer satisfaction surveys in order to improve their service quality. The Importance - Satisfaction surveys and analysis are implemented to determine which attributes should be urgently improved. According to the long term customer satisfaction survey, the fluctuation of satisfaction scores is found.So the factor influenced this fluctuations will be investigated .After conducting customer satisfaction survey, some question researches are explored.Firstly, whether the improvement can significantly improve customer satisfaction. Secondly, whether the increase of customer expectations will affect to customer satisfaction. Lastly, whether the rating of the assessment will affect to customer satisfaction. An empirical study was conducted in a senior care center. By using questionnaire survey, the satisfaction perception and the importance of the service attributes were investigated. The results of study showed that lack of services is the main reason that makes satisfaction declining, and after the implementation of the improvement strategy, the satisfaction will raise up.Besides, the increasing of residents’ expectation makes the residents satisfaction standard also raising. Thus,the satisfaction scores will be affected. Besides, the investigators should give more attension to the items of restaurant dimension, to avoid the error of score, and to improve the accuracy of the score.Finally, according to the results, the recommendations can be proposed, and these can help the senior care center to manage their service quality and to determine their policies.


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