  • 學位論文


Heterotopias Interpretation of the Science Fiction Films

指導教授 : 張謙允


為了迎合意識層面多元複雜的性質,近來室內設計的設計導向趨勢,由物質需求提升到精神需求。設計者藉情境主導空間面貌,更以強化意識形態而設計出多元異質特性的空間。本研究的對象針對平常現實不常見的情境,探討其各種型態的設計呈現,以及它對人、對空間的意義。藉由文化下的產物(social artifacts)─科幻電影為文本範圍,分析其中的空間經驗、整理光影特徵以及其特殊情境,同時進行電影空間的影像解讀。運用索緒爾的符號學(semiotics)分析其文本及符號。以「超現實」光影特徵去套設「虛擬」(virtual)世界,並探索其中隱含議題;文本著重形而上/概念性的思考模式,詮釋形而上思維所隱含的意義。本研究針對「異質空間」(heterotopias space)進而詮釋,將異質分成「虛無感」(nihility)、「快感」(pleasure)、「雜交感」(hybrid)、「癡迷感」(fetishism)、「錯位感」(juxtaposition)、「違和感」(contradictions)的情境,透過這些異境型態,作為空間的反向性思考應用,藉此理解不同的空間體驗及參考特質。


虛擬 符號 詮釋 異質情境 超現實


To accommodate the nature of multi-complicated consciousness, the trend for interior design has been built up from functional needs to spiritual ones. The designer constructs a space with multiple heterogeneity characters based on their scenarios and more on reinforcing the ideology. The goals in this study are exploring the scenarios which rarely been seen in realities of life, the variations of design characters, and the meaning of which to human beings and the space. The scope in this study will focus on the social artifacts like cinema. The analysis of the experience in space, the character of lighting and the decoding of space on cinema are needed. Furthermore, by using semiotics tool developed by De Saussure, this study analyzes the context and the sign in cinema, the implication to the surreal lighting interpreted in the virtual world. The text emphasizes on the conceptual mode of thinking to interpret the implicit meaning. The purpose of this study is to provide the values and applications of heterotopias space to nihility, pleasure, hybrid, fetishism, juxtaposition, and contradiction.


Heterogeneous Fields Sign Surrealism Interpretation Virtual


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