  • 學位論文


A Study of Communication Standards for Smart Meter

指導教授 : 賴裕昆


智慧型電網結合了資通訊技術及電力系統,成為一個跨領域的大型工程,其中包含了各種資通訊相關標準與技術,國際間智慧型電網相關計畫亦多屬於初期階段,並以先進讀表基礎建設相關布局為首要目標,因此使其統一標準與資料整合是個重要的議題。在先進讀表基礎建設的相關技術如:安全、通訊及資訊統整等中,都有許多必須克服以及解決的地方,而智慧型電錶在整個先進讀表基礎建設中扮演著重要的橋接角色,為了瞭解先進讀表基礎建設相關標準規範制定的核心要意與重點,本文透過美國國家標準研究院(National Institute of Standards and Technology , NIST)所選定的智慧型電網相關標準,以智慧型電錶的角度針對現有提出的需求規範,系統建置、網路傳輸與安全等面向來加以探討和分析。


Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) plays a very important role in the Smart Grid system. There are many standards and requirements proposed recently by major standards body worldwide to facilitate the interoperability and development of Advanced Metering Infrastructure. Based on selected document from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), we provide an overview with in-depth analysis and discussions focusing on communication, security and system aspects. The goal is to reveal core settings and guidelines for people who are interested in the development of AMI related standards.


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