  • 學位論文


Urban Ambient Light In The Night And Satisfaction Of The Residents, Tao-Yuan City As An Example

指導教授 : 謝統勝


夜晚在都市的商業繁榮帶動經濟的整體發展,而隨之帶來的夜間照度值過於強烈的問題也影響都市整體的環境品質。照明設備的使用應是具有正向且無傷害性的,但光害之所以列為世界第四大汙染,主要是在於照明設備不當的使用,引起的生態系統失調、物種滅絕的危機,且能源不當的消耗,相對造成溫室氣體的環境負荷,不當的使用照明設備,亦使人類的生活起居受到干擾與健康的危害等。 台灣地區近年來在光害議題的研究中,多以照明燈具的設計與廣告招牌的設立為主要重點,都市中的整體夜間照度值現況卻少有提及。本研究收集相關文獻歸納光害之規範標準,操作方式以現場實測為主,量測區域包含桃園市中心,透過基地內的照度量測,以地理資訊系統做為一個工具平台,將夜間照度值的程度轉化為圖像,並透過問卷調查的方式驗證其準確性,將成果藉由 Google Map 可增加取得外部環境光資訊的便利性,拓展在光害研究領域的範圍。提供都市設計在參考上的依據,增進都市的永續發展。 本研究於第一章敘述研究目的與動機、光害種類與研究流程及研究領域的部分;第二章文獻回顧將整理相關案例並提出看法;第三章研究方法提出本研究過程中運用到的理論依據,針對 GIS 的部分提出相關研究案例;第四章將介紹透過 GIS 建立外部環境光地圖與治安地圖,以及 Google Earth 與 Google Map 的相關應用;第五章則是講述透過問卷調查的方式來驗證外部環境光地圖的可行性;第六章透過研究的結論、貢獻、檢討與未來研究方向之可能性,將作出結論與建議。


光害 地理資訊系統


Night drive overall economic development of the commercial prosperity of the city, and brought the illumination value is too strong in night problem also affects the quality of the environment of the city as a whole., improper use of lighting at night, for the adverse environmental effects can be divided into energy consumption and light pollution caused by improper use of such two major issues. Lighting should be used is a positive and not harmful, but the reason why light pollution as the world's fourth largest polluter, mainly because the use of improper lighting equipment, causing imbalance in the ecosystem, species extinction, and the energy inappropriate consumption, the relative greenhouse gases of the environmental load, improper use of lighting, light pollution is also caused to human disruption of daily life and health hazards. Taiwan, the night lighting facilities in recent years in research, mostly focus lighting design, advertising signs, urban environment, but rarely mention the phenomenon of the current status of the overall illumination value in the night. This study to collect relevant research Induction Normative standard, field test the main measurement area contains Tao Yuan city center, through the according to measurement, with its geographic information system as a reasonable construction, The severity of the extent of the illumination value in the night conversion to Image, and use questionnaire to confirmation accurate the map of external ambient light, and use the Google Map to share information of illumination value in the night, Expand the scope of the research. Provide reference for urban design, Promote the sustainable development of urban. Chapter 1 describes the purpose and motivation, light pollution types, research process, field of study; Chapter 2 review of the literature will collected case about light pollution and put some views to the research ; Chapter 3 list research methods about the research, and research some case about GIS. Chapter 4 will use GIS made external ambient light map and order maps, and transform Google Earth and Google Map; Chapter 5 use questionnaire to prove the external ambient light map is accurate; Chapter 6 through conclusions, contribution, review and possibilities for the future, make recommendations


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