  • 學位論文


Designing store display with local cultural accent and branding image

指導教授 : 程萬里


隨著國人消費經濟與生活品質的提高,各地旅遊觀光產業也隨之興起,文化創意成為創造特色的行銷工具與設計手法,具有地方或文化特色的商品與形象,不僅能夠創造品牌與眾不同的風格,有效進行市場區隔,進而促進地方產業的發展。特別是匯集品牌意象於一身的商店空間,更可藉由商業展示設計的呈現而發揮地方與文化特色,有效協助消費者留下旅遊體驗與記憶,達成品牌傳播與永續經營之目的。本研究藉由文獻探討與案例分析,針對品牌意象與識別形象進行探究,理解商店空間與展示設計的品牌融滲過程,並藉此做為執行後續設計規劃之重要依據。亦即,本研究著力於如何將品牌形象與場所精神,適切且有效地轉化於商店展示的規劃與設計。 本研究之設計規畫,首先透過地方特質與品牌現況的調查,彙整出品牌形象的構成元素並擬定設計方向。後續依據品牌的視覺形象進行設計規畫與整合,將商店展示規畫分為:視覺空間應用、店鋪空間、一般商品展示區、特色商品展示點。視覺空間應用的作用在於商店空間的整合;店鋪空間、商品展示區的目地在於傳達品牌形象的內涵,商品展示點則散布於商店內各處,作為輔助營造整體商店品牌氛圍之用。最後,提出適切的設計規範以擬定設計執行的方向,包含字形、色彩、材質與照明等視覺要素的檢視,空間氛圍與品牌形象的確認,以及在地人文特質與自然特性的導入等,以期完成品牌視覺與商業空間的整合與融合,並藉此提升無形的品牌價值與有形的商業收益。


With the prosperity of consumer economy and the improvement of quality of life style, Tourism industry has progressed to rely on the local arts and cultural characters to attract tourists from different places. Merchandises with local arts and cultural accents not only stand out among commercial goods but also help to boost local economy. A commercial store with branding image especially needs to present the local characters to tourists so as to reach the purpose of sustainable marketing. This study is to investigate: (1) The arrangement between branding and visual images in the store space by reviewing and analyzing literatures and case studies. (2) Local characters and commercial brands and then establishes the elements for branding and the direction for design. The store display with branding and visual images are arranged with the following sections: visual space application, store space, general merchandises exhibit area, and specialties exhibit spots. Visual space application concerning the integration of the store space and merchandise display are to deliver the accent of the brand, specialties of local products, and unique cultural characters to accelerate the branding atmosphere. The result of this study is used as the blue print for the store’s spatial design, planning and execution. Furthermore, a design guideline for future design directions, such as: type fonts, colors, materials, visual brightness, space arrangement, brand image recognition, local arts, cultural and landscape introduction are developed and complied for future applications . It is expected that this study integrate arts and cultural characters, visual images, space layout in a promotion of local brand in harmony.


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