  • 學位論文


A Study of the Servitization Business Model in LED Industry

指導教授 : 顧志遠


隨著時代的進步,人們開始講求環保、節能減碳的議題也不斷的出現。而LED的產業應用也越來越廣泛;並且將是未來成長最快的產業。LED為Light emitting diode的縮寫,中文名為「發光二極體」,且其應用範圍廣泛,舉凡消費性電子產品的燈源、液晶顯示器背光源、家用或戶外照明燈、掃瞄器光源、室內或室外資訊看板、汽車用燈具、交通號誌顯示燈、醫學用燈具、農、漁業照明用、大樓裝飾燈等,其中又以顯示應用所佔的比例最高。國內LED在發展已有三十多年的歷史了,目前我國LED產業結構完整,整體競爭力持續擴大,未來在全世界 LED產業上,將扮演舉足輕重的角色。在2011年台灣已成為全球LED晶粒最大供應國,產值達新台幣400多億元,但面對大陸的急起直追的壓力下,台灣的LED產業要如何面對競爭為其生存之關鍵因素。再者,LED應用已多達數百家廠商。如何做差異化、提高競爭力等是目前國內廠商所要面臨的挑戰。LED產業的發展上,因產業切分細微;不同的組合而產生不同的發展策略及經營模式的差異。在其樣本差異性大,不易以量化方式進行研究探討,故本研究將採取個案研究方法的質性研究觀點來進行分析。試圖以製造業服務化的五大構面、三個方向探討出LED產業之未來經營模式。


Issues of environmental protection, energy saving and carbon reduction has been gradually emphasized by people with the time. The LED industry has become increasingly widespread and will be the future of the fastest growing industries. LED is abbreviated from light emitting diode. Its wide range of applications covered the consumer electronics light source, LCD backlight, home or outdoor lighting, scanner lighting, indoor or outdoor sidebar, automobile use lighting, traffic signal indicator lights, medical use of lighting, agriculture, fisheries lighting, decorative lamps and other buildings, among which the highest proportion of display applications. Our domestic LED industry in the development history of over 30 years, its structural integrity of the LED industry, continues to expand the overall competitiveness of the future in the world of LED industry will play a pivotal role. In 2011, Taiwan had become the largest supplier of LED chip in the world with output value of forty billion NT dollars. Taiwan's LED industry, it should be how to face pressure from China? Furthermore, LED applications are up to hundreds of vendors. How do differentiation, enhance competitiveness of domestic manufacturers to the current challenges. To the current challenges of domestic manufacturers how to be differentiation and enhance competitiveness.The division of labor in LED industry is complex. Different combinations develop the differences of development strategy and business model. Because the sample quite different, it’s not easy to go through by quantitative research method. This study will use case study method with the concept of qualitative to analysis. Attempt to discuss the new business model of LED industry base on the five categories and three directions of Servitization.


Servitization Business Model


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