  • 學位論文


A Study on the Contention of the Application of the Labor Standards Act to the Apartment Building Management Personnel and Security Personnel

指導教授 : 吳姿慧


公寓大廈管理服務與保全人員(警衛人員)不論由管委會自行僱用,抑或由管理維護公司與保全公司僱用指派,均屬勞基法上所稱之「勞工」,應無疑義。惟前者之雇主為管委會,後者為管理維護公司與保全公司,由於僱用者不同,在適用法律上即有所差異。管委會屬於「其他社會服務業」,於民國八十七年底勞基法全面適用一切勞雇關係之時,經勞委會核定屬窒礙難行之行業,暫不適用勞基法,其所僱用之人員自非該法適用之對象;至管理維護公司與保全公司,均屬於「其他工商服務業」,於民國八十七年四月納入勞基法適用範圍,其所僱用之人員自有勞基法之適用。此際,即產生同屬公寓大廈管理服務與保全人員(警衛人員),因雇主之不同,產生了適用與不適用勞基法不同之結果,而受不同之保障。 如再進一步觀察,管理維護公司與保全公司所僱用之管理服務與保全人員縱使有勞基法之適用,惟在實際運作上,仍有勞動權益保障不周之問題存在,尤以保全公司所僱用之保全人員為最。舉例而言,勞動契約多為臨時性、短期性之定期契約,工資微薄,工時過長且無固定休假。何以已公告適用勞基法之人員,仍未能受到勞基法最低標準之保障,乃為本文首要探討之重點。 其次,直接受僱於管委會之管理服務人員及警衛人員因前述理由,非勞基法適用範圍,勞動條件未能受勞基法之保障。管委會應否適用勞基法?其適用勞基法窒礙難行之處為何?如何保障其所僱用之從業人員勞動條件,乃為本文另一個探究之重點。本文之研究方法主要為文獻研究法,將透過歸納彙整我國學說及實務見解,就公寓大廈管理服務與保全人員適用勞基法之相關爭議予以分析,並針對上開爭議提出建議。


Apartment building management personnel and security personnel, whether employed by the Apartment building management committee, or by the management and maintenance company and the security company , are the "labor" of the Labor Standards Law. Due to different employers, lead to different results in the application of the law. Management committee is "other social services", Labor Standards Act does not apply to it and the staff it employs. Management and maintenance company and the security company are both "other business services", Labor Standards Act does not apply to them and the staff they employs. Due to different employers, lead to different results in the application of the Labor Standards Act. Even though Labor Standards Act applies to the management personnel and security personnel employed by management and maintenance company and security company, but in practice, there is still the problem of the lack of protection of labor rights, especially the security personnel employed by security company. For example, the labor con-tract is temporary and short-term contract, low wages, long working hours and have no regular holidays. The issue of employees whom Labor Standards Act applies to has not yet been subject to protection of the Labor Standards Act is the primary point of this thesis. Secondly, Labor Standards Act does not apply to management personnel and security personnel employed by management committee, their labor conditions are not subject to protection of the Labor Standards Act. How to protect the staff employed by management committee labor conditions is another point of this thesis. The methodologies adopted is documentary research. Based on judicial decisions and doctrine, it proposes recommendations to improve labor conditions.


