  • 學位論文

基於學習者語料庫之「的」字定語教學研究 -以越南語為母語的學習者為對象

A Corpus-Based Research on Chinese Adjectival “de” Structure for Vietnamese Native Speakers

指導教授 : 彭妮絲


華語是缺乏型態變化的語言,虛詞是表達語法關係的主要方法之一。結構助詞「的」是使用頻率非常高的序詞,「的」字是定語形式上的標誌,但不是所有定語後都要用「的」字。外籍人士學習「的」字定語出現不少偏誤。雖然越南語與華語有許多相似之處,但事實上越南學習者在學習華語華語時出現的偏誤,並不一定比其他母語者少。華語「的」字定語結構是定語在前,中心語在後;而越南語「的」字定語結構是中心語在前,定語在後。 本研究透過《台灣師範大學邁向頂尖大學計畫―華語語料庫建置及應用研究(Construction and Applications of Chinese Corpora)》語料庫所收集越南學習者使用「的」字定語的語料,進行分析與比較使用情形和偏誤情況,針對各程度華語能力的學習者討論偏誤情形,探討偏誤來源,並提出適合越南學習者的教學設計範例。越南學習者的三大類偏誤是遺漏「的」字,誤加「的」字,多項定語的錯位;偏誤來自於母語負遷移和目的語規則泛化造成。 本研究希望藉由對越南語為母語之華語學習者在「的」字定語的使用情形與偏誤情形作了全面性的探討,以降低越南學習者習得「的」字定語的困難度,為日後的華語學習打造良好基礎。 關鍵詞:的、定語、語料庫、越南學習者、偏誤、教學語法


越南學習者 語料庫 定語 偏誤 教學語法


Chinese language does not have rich suffixation system. Function words are one of the major ways to express the grammatical relation in sentences. “de” has always been the most frequently used function word, “de” is the sign of possessive,but it does not have to always be used attribute. When Vietnamese learn or use the adjectival “de” structure, they often make errors, eventhough Vietnames and Chinese are similar in some structures, they still make as many errors as speakers of other languages that are learning Chinese. The adjectival “de” structure in Chinese the attributive is front of “de”, the head Noun is after “de”; the adjectival “de” structure in Vietnamese the head Noun is front of “de”, the attributive is after “de”. The research is based on Construction and Applications of Chinese Corpora, analyze the adjectival “de” structure corpus of Vietnamese students with different level of Chinese. With the analysis of the interlanguage data, this paper describes the errors made by the Vietnamese learners on the adjectival “de” structure. This paper most common errors are、(i)ommission of de、(ii)addition of de、(iii)use de in the wrong place. There are two main reasons for these errors 1.used learners L1 structure when speaking L2, 2.the uniqueness of the target language. This research was based on an analysis of Vietnamese learners usage and error of Chinese. Analyzing the use of Chinese adjectival "de" structure in Chinese for Vietnamese native speakers comprehensively, will assist Chinese learners to decrease the difficulties of learning adjectival "de" structure and lay a solid foundation for learning Chinese. Keyword: "de", attribute, corpus, Vietnamese Chinese learner, pedagogical grammar


Diệp Quang Ban(2009). Ngữ pháp tiếng Việt(tập hai). Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản giáo dục.
Diệp Quang Ban & Hoàng Văn Thung(2009). Ngữ pháp tiếng Việt(tập một). Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản giáo dục.


