  • 學位論文


State Compensation of Campus Accidents, also covered the Campus Infringment in China

指導教授 : 陳櫻琴


本論文研究國中小學校園的國家賠償責任。校園事件頻傳,顯示我國對於打造安全的學習環境尚有進步空間。依照現行國家賠償法規定,校園事件依照發生的原因可分為教職員導致(人之責任)以及學校設施導致(物之責任)。一旦發生校園事件,接踵而來的就是一連串的求償程序,對於受害學生來說,現行國家賠償制度是否其獲得應有之賠償?又校園霸凌、校園性騷擾等案件,基於其性質,較難舉證,故校園事件之國家賠償攸關學生的權利保障,饒富研究價值。中國大陸地區近年受少子化的影響,每位孩童都是家中的寵兒,兼以法治意識的崛起,若孩童在學校受到侵害,家長開始透過訴訟方式究責。2009年《侵權責任法》頒布後,校園侵權為一種責任類型,有無可能將尚欠缺案例累積的校園國家賠償責任轉由侵權責任處理,亦值重視。故本論文嘗試將中國大陸的校園侵權一併納入討論與比較。義務教育以下的兒童年紀尚幼,活潑好動,自我保護能力以及安全認知不足,容易發生意外,本文以發生在中小學校的校園事故為中心,配合我國學說見解以及中國大陸的校園侵權加以比較,希望將校園事故國家賠償作出檢討和和歸納。 本論文的第一章緒論介紹研究動機、研究目的以及研究方法和範圍、論文架構。第二章從國家賠償法的起源談起,介紹國家賠償法的理論以及實務演變、我國國家賠償法的制定、依據以及立法目的,並輔以中國大陸地區國家賠償法的比較。第三章介紹校園事故成立國家賠償法的基礎與要件,先介紹我國實務對於學校與學生間關係認定的演變,並探討教師的行為以及學校設施的管理疏失造成國家賠償責任的構成要件。第四章則介紹中國大陸的校園侵權,概述中國大陸為何將校園安全的賠償責任列於《侵權責任法》中,並附實務判決以供參考。第五章為相關案例探討,蒐集來的我國近年校園國家賠償案件的判決,並加以整理、分析。第六章為結論與建議,是本文之研究結果與建議的總結。


This study focused on the State compensatory liability, specifically on obligation senate. The reason of focusing on State compensatory liability of campus accidents is the number of campus accidents raiseing in recent years. Campus accidents happen frequently shows there is room for importment of building a safe learning environment in Taiwan. In accordance with current regulations, the cause of campus accidents can be classified as teachers and school facilities. When campus accidents happened, several claims purdures came. Besides, campus bullying and sexual harassment are difficult to proof. Whether the existing national compensation system can fill the damage of victims, it is concerned about the protection of student’s rights. It is full of research value. In place with raiseing of legal awareness and one child policy, parents in China want accountability through litigation when their child was hurt ar school. When Tort Law of the People's Republic of China be promulgated in 2009, the study of campus infringement be valued, so author tried to bring in and compare with this thesis. This thesis specially focused on compulsory education, because children in the range are too young to protect themselves. This thesis studied the accidents which happened in primary and secondary schools, aid with theory in Taiwan and campus infringement in China.The purpose of this study were reviewing and generalizing the State compensatory liability of campus accidents. Chapter 1 introduced the motivation, objective, methods, range, and architecture of this thesis. Chapter 2 introduced the origin of State Compensation Law. Also discuss the formulatation, basis, and legislative purpose of State Compensation Law in Taiwan, aid with State Compensation Law in China. Chapter 3 discussed the basis and elements in State Compensation of Campus Accidents. Chapter 4 introduced campus infringement in China, summarized the reason why legislators in China put school obligation in Tort Law of the People's Republic of China, and listed three judgments for example. Chapter 5 was the archive and analysis of related cases in Taiwan. Chapter 6 was the conclusion and proposals of this thesis.


1. 民間司法改革基金會,老師,你也可以這樣做!五南出版,二版(2007)
4. 刑泰釗,校園法律實務,教育部發行(2008)
15. 許育典,教育憲法與教育改革,五南出版(2005)
1. 司法院釋字第382號
2. 司法院釋字第308號
