  • 學位論文


The Study on Purchasing Behavior in Cram School

指導教授 : 廖本哲


補教業在現今社會中是個不可或缺的行業,由於少子化的情況日益嚴重,家長對於孩子的教育變得更加重視,然而教育政策不斷改革,造成學生及家長的恐慌及無助徬徨,補習班成為另一個家長諮詢的管道,有安定人心的作用。 面對十二年國教的衝擊影響,本研究想要探討學生家長對於課輔購買行為是否受到知覺風險及從眾行為兩個變項的影響,再利用調節焦點將家長分成增進取向與預防取向二類型的人來做干擾變項,用問卷方式做量化的實證研究。利用SPSS統計軟體進行統計分析,研究方法為敘述性統計、信度分析及迴歸分析,共寄發200份問卷,總計回收有效問卷為180份。   研究結果發現有關於十二年國教的知覺風險對於家長購買行為影響並不顯著,這說明新的教育法案,雖然家長們的想法會受到影響,但對於補習課程的購買並無太大之影響力。家長們會購買補習課程的主要原因還是希望孩子能夠跟上當下的課業進度,無論教育再怎麼改革,該學習的還是得學習,不會因為改為十二年國教孩子就不用念書了。所以補教業者應該朝著豐富課程內容去發展,而非隨著教育政策改變而亂了陣腳。 從眾行為對家長購買行為呈現顯著,這也正說明許多人不願意自己去嘗試未曾使用過的商品,往往希望藉由親朋好友們使用後的結果來決定自己是否購買。補習課程就如同商品一樣,如何讓孩子和家長們蜂擁而至,最終的因素還是在於商品的好壞。教育理念、環境、成績、甚至是和孩子的相處方式,這些因素的重要性遠遠超過補習費用的多寡。 本研究加入調節焦點干擾變項,將家長分成增進取向和預防取向二類群人後發現,調節焦點產生了部份干擾效果。其中調節焦點對於知覺風險有干擾效果,對從眾行為則沒有干擾效果。此外,研究中也發現增進取向的家長對於知覺風險的影響不顯著,對於從眾行為影響的結果是顯著的;而預防取向的家長對於知覺風險的影響是顯著,對於從眾行為影響的結果也是顯著的。     本於這項研究結果的發現,正可以提供給未來補教業者在面對預防取向的家長詢求課程時,以針對十二年國教的不安與不確定性,切入知覺風險方面的議題,並降低補習的風險意識,藉此說服家長而強化家長的購買意願。


Cram school is the necessary education system in Taiwan. Parents and students are under high pressure due to the traditional culture of well-educated value and the rapid changes of the National education policies. Cram school system is another non-official channel for parents to consult with . Facing the impact of the National compulsory twelve-year-education policy, this research will inquire whether parents purchasing behavior is subjected to the two variables: consciousness risk and herd behavior. Besides, through the Perspective of Regulatory Focus Theory, parents are arranged according to promotion focus and prevention focus, via questionnaire to get data for further analysis. In this study, we used SPSS statistic software, descriptive statistics, reliability analysis and regressive analysis to send 200 questionnaires (feedback 180 effective ones). The research result: judging from purchasing behavior of cram school courses, parents are slightly affected by the reform of the National compulsory twelve-year-education policy. The major factor on parents’ consumption of cram school courses is to make their children fully aware of what they’re learning now. In other words, parents hope their children can totally understand the knowledge and get well-educated truly. So, the cram schools have to develop various courses, not just be confused by the rapid changing education reforms or driven by the government. The influence of herd behavior has a great effect upon the purchasing behavior. Parents will not purchase the product if the mass of public opinion is negative. Public praise from friends and relatives is a matter of concern. Based on the findings, it shows that the corporate image and business strategy for the operation of the cram school count on the factors, such as learning philosophy, learning environment, courses, and even the atmosphere of classroom. These factors are far more important than the amount of tuition. With the perspective of Regulatory Focus Theory, promotive and preventive parents are interfered partially. The factor of Regulatory Focus does affect consciousness risk, but the factor of herd behavior doesn’t. Besides, the factor of consciousness risk doesn’t affect the promotive parents obviously, but the factor of herd behavior does. Preventive parents are apparently under the influence of the both factors of consciousness risk and herd behavior. This research shows while conferring with preventive parents on the courses of cram school, from the perspective of consciousness risk, to deal with the uncertainty and insecurity of the National compulsory twelve-year-education policy, proprietors can convince those parents to purchase the course and service of cram school.




