  • 學位論文


Tourism Strategy of Taiwan Aesthetic Medicine

指導教授 : 廖本哲


台灣醫療美容在眾多國家的競爭下,要如何脫穎而出,並展現出醫療美容的特性以取得差異化的優勢。差異化是所有行業經營成功的關鍵。台灣特別在醫療美容技術的差異化方面需要有更進一步的創新及獨特性的開發。 本論文研究以Osterwalder 經營模式的九大構成要素,與質性研究方法中的半結構訪談法與受訪者進行訪談,輔以相關的醫療期刊及報導,依據事先擬定的訪談大綱進行訪談,再由經營模式的探討,試圖尋找出新的經營策略。 醫療觀光美容在全球已經發光發熱。台灣觀光旅遊源自於2008年的金融海嘯的因素下,其觀光旅遊及醫療市場出現了變化。其經營策略的模式,將以醫療美容和觀光旅遊做異業連盟。以推動醫療美容觀光的概念,整合醫美、養生、文化、購物等,與旅遊業者相互合作,共同設計創新的套裝行程,以帶動更多的觀光客,目前已經加速成長中,未來將成為經濟重要的發展之一。 一般醫療美容診所與同業合作,可利用每間診所的差異與優勢達到互補效果,並做到品牌價值及優勢。其與同業合作的優點可降低相關成本,同業合作若是能發展成功,後續與旅遊業者做異業連盟,應能台灣美容業者提升經營成本效益


How can Taiwan’s medical cosmetic treatment industry stand out against other countries competition and show the advantages of our special techniques? This is the key to a successful industry. Taiwan needs more creative and unique development in the Medical Cosmetic industry. This essay study is based on two things; one is Osterwalder’s nine essential methods of his management business model, and the other is his Qualitative Research methods for doing an interview with an interviewee. The interview process is according to the prepared questions, relevant magazines and reports. What’s more, we can create a new business strategy by studying the business model. Medical cosmetology tourism already glows in the world. Taiwan’s tourism industry originates from financial crisis in 2008 that factor; the tourism and medical market are appeared the change. Its management model of strategy that medical cosmetology and tourism make horizontal alliances. The concept is promoting medical cosmetology tourism, integrating aesthetic medicine, health, culture, shopping and so on. Those are cooperating with tourism industry and design innovative package tour to bring more and more tourists. Medical cosmetology tourism presently high-speed growth; it will become one of importance economic development in the future.


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