  • 學位論文


A Study on Relationship Between The Business Model for Medical Tourism Industry and Its Competitive Advantage

指導教授 : 顧志遠


伴隨著高齡化、低出生率的同時,醫療保健觀念卻漸次獲得重視,世界各國醫療費用支出持續上漲幾乎是全面性的趨勢,不但對各國的個體及總體經濟環境影響甚鉅,同時亦影響整體醫療產業的發展。 惟醫療服務業係屬於內需產業,在現今內需市場大不易情形下,跨國醫療診治已成為趨勢。近年政府為開拓台灣醫療產業的發展,正積極結合觀光、旅遊、交通及旅館等行業,以台灣尖端高優質醫療技術及品質服務,進而驅動及行銷我國的醫療品牌,促使國內觀光醫療產業升級,提高台灣在國際間觀光醫療產業的競爭力而努力以赴。 然如何讓在國際間早已享有盛名的台灣醫療技術輸出,並行銷台灣高品質低成本之競爭優勢,以建立完整醫療產業價值鍵,強化醫療服務國際化,是一值得我們深究的問題。本研究藉由台灣觀光醫療產業的現今優勢,探討產業合作的可行性,亦期許醫療機構能跳脫舊有思維模式,了解顧客對服務的需求,促使醫療、觀光及其他產業整合的機會,積極發展觀光醫療產業尋找新客源。本研究藉探討國內外表現卓越與極具發展潛力的個案醫院,探究其經營模式、策略態勢與成功關鍵因素,進而建構台灣觀光醫療產業最適經營模式。 本研究以個案研究法,運用Osterwalder等學者提出之經營模式四大構面,即產品與服務、顧客介面、基礎管理、財務觀點為研究架構,搜尋世界各國發展觀光醫療產業的相關文獻暨歸納發展國際觀光醫療實務做法後,進一步就價值主張、目標顧客、配銷通路、顧客關係、價值配置、核心能力、夥伴關係、成本結構與收入模式等九個要素作深入分析,並以國際競爭對手泰國康民國際醫院為標竿,希冀藉標竿學習對象論述個案醫院經營模式,進而對國內觀光醫療產業提出建議。 此外,本研究並運用Alan J. Rowe等人所提出的策略定位與行動評估法,進行個案內外部企業及產業策略定位,以產業吸引力、環境穏定性、競爭優勢及財務強勢等四大構面綜合解析,歸納出我國發展觀光醫療產業之適應性競爭策略與典型的經營模式。最後於文末提出後續研究建議,期望透過本研究提出的研究發現及管理意涵,提供對個案醫院、政府單位及相關業者之建議,以期觀光醫療產業成為台灣未來的明星產業,並帶動台灣周邊產業價值鍵提升競爭優勢而永續經營。


Following by the aging and low birth rate phenomena, the importance of health care has been taken more and more serious. The continuous rising medical expenditure becomes a worldwide trend. Not only does it affect individual and overall economic in the world, but also gives a huge impact to the development in the whole medical industry. Medical service belongs to domestic demand industry, and it is not easy to maintain the market as such. Hence, cross-border medical treatment has become the up to date trend nowadays. In recent years, Taiwanese government actively integrates tourism, travel, traffic and hotel business and so on, trying to reach out more possibilities for the development of Taiwanese medical industry. By marketing our exquisite medical technics and high service quality, we are making great effort to elevate Taiwan’s competitive advantages in international medical tourism industry. However, how to export the already well-known Taiwanese medical techniques, market the competitive strength, build a comprehensive medical value chain, and to enhance medical service internalization have become a worth exploring issue. The study aims to analyze the strengths of Taiwanese medical tourism industry, then we further discuss the possibility of cooperation amongst other industries. We hope that medical organizations can think out of the box, and to develop more potential customers by understanding more about clients’ demand, seeking more opportunities to work with tourism and other industries. The research puts on discussing the excellent and potential hospitals over their business models, strategies, and key successful factors in order to construct the best business model for Taiwanese medical tourism industry. The study adopts case study method, by the point of views of scholars such as Osterwalder’s four dimensions of business model: namely, products and services, customers interface, infrastructure management, and financial observations to be the research framework. After collecting relevant literature of international medical tourism development practice all over the world, we analyze nine elements in-depth on the value proposition, target customers, distribution channels, customer relationship, value configuration, core competencies, partnership, cost structure, and revenue model. The Bumrungrad International Hospital is the benchmark for the case study. We hope we will be able to provide suggestions to domestic medical tourism industry by the discussion of the case hospital’s business model. Moreover, we also adopt Rowe’s Strategic Position and Action Evaluation (SPACE) and to proceed the case’s inner and outer part of business strategic position. By the analysis of attractiveness of the industry, the environmental stability, competitive advantage and financial strength, we are capable of concluding our typical business model in medical tourism industry’s competitive strategies. Finally, we provide suggestions based on our research. We expect the results and managing implications will be useful to case study hospitals, governments and related industries. Hopefully, the medical tourism industry will be one of the prosperous businesses in Taiwan, and also will raise the competitive advantages of relevant industries’ value chain and to reach a sustainable status.


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