  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Using English E-Picture Books for Promoting Elementary School Underachievers’ Creativity

指導教授 : 張世忠


本研究採取行動研究的方式,探討低成就學生於英語電子繪本教學前、後創造力的改變,同時也探究教師在此教學中扮演的角色、學生的學習感受、研究者與協同教師的成長及電子繪本教學的困境與因應策略。 研究者除了自編之評分規準與學習單,對研究對象進行前後測與協同教師共同評分,再採用無母數統計wilcoxon考驗進行分析,同時結合協同教師的觀察記錄、學生作品、省思札記等,提供多面向的驗證及回饋,借此分析英語電子繪本教學前、後,低成就學生創造力的改變。本研究以研究者任教的國小五年級某班五位低成就學生為研究對象,設計英語電子繪本教學方案,共四則故事。課程實施十六週,每週兩堂,每堂20分鐘,配合課本單元實施。 研究結果發現: 一、 英語電子繪本的教學歷程及方法: (一) 低成就學生有無限的潛能,提供發揮創造力的機會。例如:讀者 劇場,角色扮演及學習單創作,都可激發他們的創造力。 (二)教師於英語電子繪本教學前,應瞭解學生起點行為並充分準備課程 與教材;教學時應扮演引導者、支持者與溝通者;教學後應進行反 思、整理問題、提出應對策略,進而解決教學問題。 二、 英語互動式動態與純動畫式動態電子繪本對國小低成就學童創造力的影響: (一) 純動畫式電子繪本教學之後,5位學生的「流暢力」顯著高於教學 前的「流暢力」。 (二) 互動式動畫電子繪本教學之後,5位學生的「敏覺力」、「獨創力」、「 變通力」、「流暢力」與「精進力」的後測成績皆顯著高於前測。 三、 英語電子繪本教學的困境與因應方面: (一)結合班群教師組成教學團隊,方能擴展電子繪本的教學效能。 (二)教師的專業能力不足,學校應提供更多進修機會。 (三)教學應結合不同學習領域的課程設計,使其學習更廣泛。 (四)創造力特質複雜,需使用多面向的評量。 (五)增加研究樣本數量,才能提高結果的可推論性。 研究者根據研究發現與結論,對研究者與未來的研究者提出建議。 關鍵字:英語電子繪本、低成就學生、創造力、行動研究


This research was conducted with the method of action research, which was not only observed the changes of underachievers’creativity among assessments but also the growth of instructor in the teaching progress, and the strategyies which solved the limits of English picture E-books. The researcher used self-made worksheet and grading evaluation to estimate rearch objects’learning results. Two co-instructoes were involved in the grading progress. Besides, the data were analyzed by using Wilcoxon, which was combined with the observation records of two co-instructors, underachievers’worksheet, documents of interviews and the introspection that offered multiperspctives of feedback. The subjects in this study were five the fifth graders of the researcher’s school. The rearcher designed some lesson plans of four English picture E-books. The total instruction lasted for 16 weeks, two periods per week, and 20 minutes per period. The findings are as the followings: 1. The process and the teaching methods : a) Underachievers have unlimited potentials that we should provide the opportunities to intrigue their creativity such as reader’s theater, role play and worksheet. b) The role of instructor was as a conductor, observer and communicator. 2. The effects of animated picture books and interactive picture books : a) After teaching the animated picture books, 5 underachievers’fluency improved a lot. b) After teaching the interactive picture books, 5 undweachievers’ sesitivity, flexibility, originality, elaboration and fluency all improved. 3. The limitations of the English picture E-books and the strategies are : a) To improve the teaching efficiency, teachers can be a team. b) The instructors are lacking of professional a bility that we should attend more seminars and activities. c) Teaching progress should be connected with other subjects to broaden students’learning horizons. d) Creativity is too complicated to be estimated, we should use multiple assessments. e) Increasing the number of sujects, the inference can be used extensively. Keywords: Action research, Creativity, English picture E-book, Underachiever


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