  • 學位論文


The Study of Business Strategy for Radio Station Websites

指導教授 : 吳肇銘


台灣的廣播電台到2013年第四季為止,一共有171家,競爭可說是相當激烈,為提高收聽率與獲利,業者無不挖空心思製作符合聽眾需求的廣播節目。受到資訊科技進步、社群網站興起,與智慧型手機APP應用越來越廣泛的影響,廣播電台不但開發了更多元的收聽管道,與聽眾的互動方式也變得更頻繁、更雙向。本研究的目的在於探討廣播電台在運用網站、臉書粉絲專頁及手機APP時的經營策略與其中之差異,不同科技工具的使用,對收聽率是否有正向的幫助。本研究以個案研究為基礎,透過訪談的方式了解廣播電台運用各項科技工具的經營策略及效益評估,並觀察實際的運用情況。   本研究發現,電台網站的經營必須重視網頁設計與互動性功能;經營粉絲專頁必須分權分責分工分時;APP應用程式的各項功能是電台網站的精髓,而且更強調互動;電台網站、臉書粉絲專頁以及手機APP,都是電台為聽眾及廣告客戶提供服務的延續,三者也為聽眾、廣告客戶與電台都帶來相輔相成的益處。


There are totally 172 radio stations in Taiwan, therefore, the radio broadcasting industry is highly competitive. In order to attract more audiences and make great profits, all radio stations try to design various programs to meet the public needs and public wants. With the development of new technologies, internet websites, and widely use smart-phone applications, radio stations not only develop multiple ways to broadcast, but also have more interacting with audiences. This study is to discuss the differences between using various technologies, such as websites, Facebook pages, smart phone applications for radio stations to their management strategies, and finding which technologies have more positive effect to the listeners. This research is base on the case study through interview and observation to discover how radio stations using various technologies in their business management and to evaluate the benefits between different technology tools.    This study found that the radio stations must focus on web design and interacting functions in their management strategies. The management responsibilities of Facebook pages should be well organized. Every function of smart phone applications which emphasize the interacting with audiences is the essence of radio station websites. Through Radio station websites, Facebook pages and smart phone applications radio stations provide more services to audiences and advertising customers. Above three factors also bring complementary benefits to audiences, advertising customers and radio stations.


張建成與楊厚嘉(2006)。網站設計風格之定位研究探討-以音樂網站為例。設計學報,11 (3),81-97。
