  • 學位論文

國中數學教師甄試- 幾何方法之研究

The Research of Geometric Method in the Qualified Examination for the Junior High Mathematics School Teacher

指導教授 : 吳裕振


本篇論文主要對國中數學教師甄試題目, 針對幾何題目方法之研究, 幾何題目真是千 變萬化, 也比較無法掌握其技巧, 尤其在做輔助線去解題更需要靈感, 但無論如何我們也 提供了研究方法, 分為代數轉化之幾何法、幾何轉化之代數法(也就是解析幾何法)、幾何 基本知識之應用、圖形旋轉法及圖解法、套入法(引用公式)、還原法, 歸納法及類比法。 而在此研究過程中, 幾何題目並不是我們想像中的困難, 解法也有其脈絡可循, 而研究 此論文, 讓我對幾何題目不再是無所適從, 而有一定思維模式, 所以也讓我在往後教導學 生解幾何題目時, 提供了不少的思考模式來教導。


In the present study, we investigate geometry questions in the entrance examination for junior high school teachers, focusing on the research of auxiliary lines. Because of the variety of geometry examination questions, it is much harder for us to analyze such test questions, especially when we deal with auxiliary lines. Therefore, we provide several methods to solve this kind of problem, including algebra transferring method, analytic geometry, application of the basic knowledge of geometry, geometric figure rotating method, graphic method, application of formulas, returning to original equation, induction method, and analogy method. We conclude that geometry questions are not as difficult as what we think of. There are several ways for us to figure out the answers to these questions. The significance of the present study is providing we math teachers better thinking modes to teach students geometry in the future


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