  • 學位論文


High school teachers in classroom management Use Facebook to interact with students

指導教授 : 皮世明


隨者資訊科技的發達與大環境的迅速變化, 社交媒體已經改變整個學習環境,尤其是 Facebook,在近幾年來使用人口日趨增加,是目前非常熱門的社群網站。現在的高中學生幾乎都有自己的臉書,自己的班級也有成立臉書社團,學生幾乎每天都會上臉書。在這樣的潮流趨勢下,老師所面臨的學生、家長與外在環境問題,用傳統式的班級經營已經無法負荷。本研究希望高中老師可以透過臉書得知學生在日常生活中另一層面,多加了解學生的校外生活狀況,提供老師在班級經營上的另一個管道。 整篇論文在研究並探討社交媒體中最熱門的臉書,試圖利用臉書在高中班級經營上,幫助老師們更容易且快速掌握學生的生活常規與學習狀況。研究從三方面來探討:(1)了解學生對於導師運用臉書在線上進行班級經營的看法,以及對實體班級經營所產生的影響。(2)從學生性別、類組與年級不同,分析導師的線上班級經營,與其實體班級經營之間的差異。(3)實體投入關懷對於班級經營的影響探討。 本研究採用問卷調查法,研究對象為縣立高中學生與老師,共回收有效問卷881份。在資料分析方法上,分別採用「T檢定」、「單因子變異數分析」以及「線性迴歸」來分析線上班級經營與實體班級經營之間的關係。 研究結果顯示:運用臉書在班級經營上的老師不論在淺層關懷與深層關懷都有明顯的差異性,學生對老師使用臉書在班級經營上的態度是正向的且頗受好評。再者,另一項研究結果顯示,非主科老師對學生的關懷比主科老師的關懷付出更多,在有限的時間裡,非主科老師經常利用空餘時間去關懷學生,在線上進行班級經營的評價也頗高。 在高中推廣導師運用臉書在班級經營上,其實是不容易的,因為現在高中老師除了要準備個人專業教學教材,還要參與進修研習以及配合學校行政事務,工作繁忙。科技始終來自人性,老師所面對的學生特質不同,期望老師們在工作繁忙之餘,可以多加運用社交媒體提供的不同層面的功能,希望本研究能對有興趣運用社交媒體在班級經營上的老師有所幫助。


With the rapid development of technology and society, social networking services (SNS) have changed the way we used to acquire knowledge. Let’s take Facebook as an example. With its growing number of registered users, Facebook has become one of the most popular social networking sites. Nowadays, a great number of senior high students have become super active registered users; what’s more, they may further create their own common-interest user groups organized by the class they belong to in the school. Faced with such a trend, teachers, with traditional approaches to the classroom management, can no longer afford to take the challenge of dealing with those on-the-cutting-edge students as well as their parents, not to mention the drastically changing educational community. With this study, I would like to introduce the idea that by using Facebook as a new approach to classroom management, teachers are allowed to have a better understanding of student’s daily lives, not only in the campus but also outside the school. The thesis aims to suggest Facebook as an easy access for teachers to the overall knowledge of students’ conditions, including that of students’ manners and academic performance. This thesis conducts the research in terms of three aspects. They are listed as followed. First, it investigates how tutors value the application of Facebook to the virtual classroom management, and to which extent does the application can actually affect. Second, it compares the differences between the virtual classroom management and the real one, based on students’ genders, academic groups, and school years. Third, it probes how far the effect can reach when tutors get involved in the real classroom management. The research method I take is questionnaire survey. The subjects chosen are teachers in public county senior high schools. The number of valid questionnaires is 881. As for the approaches I take to analyze data are T-test, One-way ANOVA, and Liner Regression. They are used to see if there are significant differences between the use of virtual and real classroom management. As the results show, there do exist significant differences between teachers’ uses of virtual and real classroom management in the depth of teachers’ concern toward students. Students also have positive responses for those teachers who use Facebook as virtual classroom management. What’s more, another result has shown that teachers who instruct elective courses show more caring toward students than those who teach core courses. During the limited office hours, teachers teaching elective courses spend more spare time to care students, and they are also highly-valued in terms of their application of virtual classroom management. It is not easy to promote the idea of tutors’ application of Facebook to the classroom management, due to the fact that tutors today are required not only to equip themselves with specialized skills in teaching and to attend various forums and workshops, but also to meet the demands from the administration department. However, with the facilitation SNS provide, teachers can in turn benefit a lot, especially when in the face of various types of students. I hope the study can help teachers who take interests in the use of SNS in the field of classroom management.


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