  • 學位論文


Teaching People with Cognitive Impairments to Practice Preparing Food in Pre-Service Using a Desktop Augmented Reality System

指導教授 : 張耀仁 康雅淑


本研究與台灣身心障礙者就業促進協會合作,透過與認知障礙者共同參與,進行輔助科技研究,希望藉由科技輔具的開發,克服其先天上的限制,可以獲得較多的工作機會。 過去,訓練認知障礙者職場能力的方法是依據工作分析理論以紙本或圖片註明工作流程、執行步驟、工作完成時間後,再由認知障礙者依順序完成訓練,但這樣的做法卻無法主動告知使用者當下是否發生錯誤,以及要如何改正,況且目前輔具常常需要使用者穿戴或手持,容易造成使用上的不便。本研究開發即時偵錯,適時提示,無需穿戴的輔助科技,並考量多數認知障礙者經濟狀況無法負擔昂貴的器材,因此利用低成本的網路攝影機搭配擴增實境工作偵錯的概念設計備餐輔具,使用者在訓練時也無須配戴輔具,可有效提升接受度,提高認知障礙者的工作效率以及減低就業服務員的負擔,協助認知障礙者具備更高職場競爭力。


This study proposed a task prompting system based on Augmented Reality (AR) technologies that people with cognitive disable can improve their vocational job skill, and have more job opportunities by using this system in pre-service training. In the past, Job coaches trained cognitive impairments to work through verbal, paper, pictures prompt based on Job Analysis. Thus, cognitive impairments could complete their work step by step. However, there is an obvious draw back which cannot be found immediately if one of the work step was wrong. In the recent years, most of assistive technology devices are on the hand of cognitive impairments. With these devices, it may cause the inconvenience to cognitive impairments. Therefore, this study assessed the possibility of training an individual with cognitive impairments using an AR task prompting system. The system not only provided picture cues but also identified incorrect task steps and helped make corrections. The other advantage is that users do not need to wear anything while using this system. Looking forward to enhance cognitive impairments’ work efficiency and reduce the Job coaches’ workload.


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