  • 學位論文


The Punishment and Prevention Policies in the Field of Medicine Commercial Bribery

指導教授 : 張天一


商業賄賂充斥於全球各個經濟領域,隨著社會經濟之迅速發展,企業經營者為能達成業績並鞏固市場經濟之競爭地位,而與交易相對人職務行為間之要求、期約或收受賄賂等不法約定而謀取不正當利益,形成企業組織體典型之經濟犯罪型態。相較於其他議題,醫療專業人士涉及商業賄賂之狀況,在我國是較少被探討的領域。多數實務見解認為,公立醫院醫生所涉及承辦或兼辦之藥品採購行為係屬於醫療或與醫療有關之私權或私經濟行為。依據修正後之刑法第10條第2項規定,公立醫院醫生並非係屬依法令從事於公共事務,而具有法定職務權限之公務員。同樣地,私立醫院醫生亦不具有所謂之「公務員」身分,是故,若依公、私立醫院之權屬別,而分別論以貪污治罪條例及背信罪罰處,則顯然存有本罪構成要件判斷標準適用上之問題。 目前我國學界與實務界,對於貪污賄賂犯罪之主要討論場域,皆著重於普通賄賂犯罪之理論探討。對此一議題,相較於外國商業賄賂之法制設計,目前我國並無商業賄賂之立法制度。因此,本文以醫藥領域商業賄賂議題為討論核心,目的在於釐清我國賄賂罪與商業賄賂罪適用界限上之差異。為此,本文參考美國、德國等外國立法例與實務上之運作,藉此瞭解商業賄賂行為之意涵、刑罰判斷標準及具體規範,作為我國之借鏡,並嘗試提出建議,欲以解決實務上存有不同見解之困境,希冀作為未來相關主管機關研擬法制之思考方向,以相應於國際刑事政策趨勢。


Commercial bribery is pervasive in various economic sectors worldwide. With the rapid economic development, business people always give best shot and do whatever they can to achieve sales targets and consolidate their competitive edge. Some of them end up making under-the-table agreements with their counterparts to satisfy their illegal requests as briberies for illegitimate profits, and here come economic crimes of organizational type. Compared with other issues, the medical professional’s involvement in commercial bribery is relatively less discussed in our country. Most practical views have it that drug procurement practices involving or undertaken by doctors of public hospitals are of medical related private rights or private economic behavior. According to the amendment of Paragraph 2 of Article 10 of Criminal Code, doctors of public hospitals are not public servants as those who engage in public affairs with statutory duties by law. Likewise, doctors of private hospitals are certainly not public servants, either. Therefore, prosecuting doctors of public and private hospitals with the Anti-Corruption Act and Breach of Trust respectively may bring about the issues of applicable standards for recognizing the constituent elements of the crime. Scholars and practitioners of our country are discussing the corruption and bribery crimes with focus on the general theories. In contrast with the practical design of commercial bribery act in foreign countries, our country’s legislation of the like is absent. Therefore, this article takes the commercial briberies in the medical field as the core of the discussion, aiming to clarify the differences of applicable boundaries between the bribery crime and commercial bribery crime in our country. To this end, this article takes references to the legislative enactment and implemented practices in the U.S. and Germany to explore the connotation of the commercial bribery behaviors, as well as criminal penalty criteria and norms, and it tries to bring up some suggestions through the references of the foreign practices. We hope that the suggestions can help solve the problems of different practical views and provide some ideals for competent authorities to formulate legislation in the future, so that we can catch up with the trend of international criminal policy.


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