  • 學位論文


Develop a Sustainable Supplier Selection Model with Hybrid Multi-objective Decision Making Methods

指導教授 : 郭財吉


因應全球氣候異常,各國政府對於綠色議題越來越重視,從歐洲對綠色產品制定嚴格的法規可以發現,環境議題在供應鏈中受重視程度逐漸升高,目前歐洲法規包括「廢電子電機設備指令 (Waste Electronics and Electrical Equipment,WEEE) 」及「電子電機設備中危害物質限用指令 (Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substance inelectrical and electronic equipment,RoHS)」,而供應鏈中對於供應商的評選也應該加入考慮永續的面向,建立完整的綠色供應商評選指標來進行評估,在現有的供應商評選架構中,加上永續發展的考量。 本研究使用混合多目標決策模型(Multiple Criteria Decision Making,MCDM)結合了決策實驗室分析法(decision makingtrial and evaluation laboratory,DEMATEL)與網路層級分析法 (analytic network process,ANP) 之結合DANP法(DEMATEL based ANP)作為供應商評選方法之基礎,對於永續供應商評選,除了探討各項的因素之外,相較於以往的供應商評估中較少探討因素之間的關聯性,本研究加入評估各評準之間的關係,使評估更為完整。 在實證研究方面發現,企業對於環境評估條件相當重視,從DEMATEL分析當中顯示企業首要關注的問題為法規與客戶要求以及管理職責,而改善此核心問題則需關注有害物質處理以及產品含量限制。在DANP方法中所求得的重要性權重也顯示有害物質處理以及產品含量限制為最重要的評估因子,代表供應鏈中對於環境的保護意識已經成為了供應商評估的一項重要指標。


It is well known that ‘‘green’’issues began to be more importance from governments .Many countriesgovernments begin to make the regulations and the public opinions which make public pay more attention to deal with pollution problems in many countries. For example, EU passed Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE), Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS).How to determine suitable and green suppliersin the supply chain has become a key strategic consideration.The supplier selection should consider to add sustainability, establish a complete green supplier selection indicators for evaluation. Using a hybrid Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) that combines decision making trial and evaluation laboratory(DEMATEL) and analytic network process(ANP) isDEMATEL based ANP(DANP) as supplier selection methodology is based on the sustainable supplier selection,it compared with the previous supplier evaluation which less investigate the correlation between the factors, this study assesses the criteria to join the the relationship between the assessment is more complete. In the empirical research ,it’s show us a obvious result.In DEMATEL analysis whitch show that the companies should focus on business regulations and customer requirements as well as management responsibilities,and order to improve this core issue need attention hazardous waste disposal and product content limits.In DANP analysis, hazardous waste disposal and product content limits are the most important evaluation factor,it’s means the environmental protection has become an important supplier assessment indicators.


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