  • 學位論文

彩虹愛家生命教育的課程內容與實務教學 —以平鎮市文化國小為例

The Teaching Courses of Life Education Of Rainbow Family Life Education Association : The Case Study on Wen Hua Elementary School

指導教授 : 曾慶豹


摘 要 「彩虹愛家」生命教育課程藉著彩虹媽媽進駐國小校園,積極推動生命教育已有14年之久,歷經多次教材更新,對於志工來說必須因應教材的改變而有所調整。本研究以平鎮市文化國小實施生命教育為主體,從無到有至今已走過六個年頭,發現生命教育課程在晨光時間進行教學,對於志工、學生及師長們很難看見其具體果效,故本研究目的主要探討重點有二:1.探討「彩虹愛家」所編寫「國小生命教育」之教材,對於志工參與「備課讀書會」,與自我成長有何意義?2.探討「彩虹愛家」所編寫「國小生命教育」之教材,對於學生的學習是否有達到教學目標的理念,是否有正向學習動力。 本研究採質性個案研究,採取參與觀察法、半結構式問卷、資料彙整與文件分析, 其目的是要使本研究架構更完全,並將課程教材與實際操作做結合增加研究信度。最後, 從回收問卷中結果發現,志工、學生對生命教育課程安排與喜好,各有不同,無法用研究者主觀的想法去解釋,但可得知多數的志工與學生是認同「彩虹愛家」生命教育課程。


生命教育 全人教育


Abstract It’s been 14 years since Rainbow Family Life Education Association (“RFLEA”) embarked on Life Education through advocating in elementary schools by Rainbow Parents. With numerous modifications on teaching materials, volunteers will have to adjust accordingly. This research is based on the real practice in Wen hua Elementary School, Pinzhen City. Starting from zero, the Rainbow Parents have been teaching life education courses in the school for 6 years, finding the overall effect is quite limited. Thus, there are two issues for this research trying to clarify further: 1.Finding if self-awareness can be promoted through the study group of “Life Education for Elementary Schools” compiled by RFLEA. 2.Finding if the teaching objectives have been realized and if the students have more positive learning motives through the courses of “Life Education for Elementary Schools” compiled by RFLEA. This research adopts qualitative case study through attentive observation, semi-structure questionnaire, data compiling and documents analysis with a view to making the research more structurally reasonable. Meanwhile, teaching materials with real practice aims to add more credibility. In conclusion, effective questionnaires show different perspectives and comments of participating volunteers and students regarding the course arrangements and contents, which researchers can hardly explain by objective thinking. However, the majority of participating volunteers and students still recognize the value of Rainbow Family Life Education.


holistic education life education


W.G. Warren著,林綺雲等譯,主編序《死亡教育與研究-批判的觀點》(Death Education and Research:Critical Perspectives),台北:洪葉文化,2007。
