  • 學位論文


To Study the Effects of Red Light-Emitting Diode Light Stimulation on Wound Healing in Burn

指導教授 : 謝瑞香


本研究探討波長630 nm發光二極體(Light-Emitting Diode, LED)光刺激對老鼠燒燙傷口癒合之影響。將動物以Pentobarbital (50 mg/kg, i. p.) 麻醉。再將動物背部上的毛剔除和在背脊左右各1 cm的位置以溫度100℃的銅片接觸表皮20 sec,每隻動物分別製造四個面積大小各為1×1 cm2的燒燙傷口。並將動物任意分為三組: 組別I是未照光組; 組別II是隔日照光組; 組別III是連續照光組,採用波長630 nm的發光二極體,功率密度為14 mW/cm2,能量密度為4 J/cm2 ,照射時間280 sec,隔日照光組每48小時進行一次照光,連續照光組則每24小時進行一次照光。評估方式是採用觀察傷口面積大小、表皮再生、細胞計數和計算嗜中性白血球與巨噬細胞的比率,作為比較光刺激是否對燒燙傷口癒合產生影響並比較其差異。實驗結果發現,光刺激似乎可以加速傷口的癒合,比較三組間的傷口面積大小,發現相對於未照光組在燙傷後第25天完全癒合,連續照光組提前於燙傷後第21天完全癒合,隔日照光組則於燙傷後第23天完全癒合。在細胞計數結果部分,相對於未照光組在燙傷後第7天嗜中性白血球達到高峰、第15天巨噬細胞達到高峰,隔日照光組的嗜中性白血球和巨噬細胞分別於燙傷後第7、11天達到高峰,連續照光組則於燙傷後第5、11天達高峰。隔日照光組在燙傷後第17天,嗜中性白血球和巨噬細胞的比率下降到0.9007,連續照光組則在燙傷後15天下降到0.7926,而未照光組則在第19天其比率才下降至0.7689。由以上結果顯示,以波長630 nm發光二極體,功率密度14 mW/cm2和能量密度4 J/cm2照射老鼠的燒燙傷口,或許可以促進傷口的癒合,而照光的次數和頻率則似乎不會造成太大的差異。


The aim of study was to determine the effect of 630 nm light-emitting diode (LED) photo-stimulation on burn wound healing in rats. Wistar rats were anesthetized with pentobarbital (50 mg/kg, i. p.), a metal rod pre-heated to 100℃ was used and applied to the dorsal side of the rats for 20 sec. Four burn areas were created and the average size of each burn site was 1×1 cm2. Sham phototherapy was applied in a Group of rats as control group. The rats in Alternative group were Under phototherapy with a dose of 14 mW/cm2 and the irradiation time was 280 sec/treat/every other day. And the rats in Continuous group were Under phototherapy with same dose and the irradiation time was 280 sec/treat/every day.The setting of energy density was 4 J/cm2. The wound healing were evaluated the wound area; re-epithelialization; cell counting and Nutrophils/Macrophages ratio to compare these three different groups on wound repair in Wistar rats. In the results show that phototherapy probably accelerates the rate of wound closure in Wistar rats. On post-burn day(PBD) 25 the wounds were healed in control group, but before that wounds on rats of Continuous group were totally healed on PBD21, and Alternative group on PBD23. Neutrophil and macrophage numbers appears in different time. In control group, the numbers of neutrophil has a peak value on PBD7 and macrophage on PBD15. As Alternative group has their peak value of neutrophil on PBD7 and macrophage on PBD11. Continuous group has their peak value of neutrophil on PBD5 and macrophage on PBD11. The ratio of neutrophils/macrophages of Alternative group was 0.9007 on PBD17, as Continuous group was 0.7926 on PBD15. The ratio of non-irradiation group was 0.7689 on PBD19. Finally, we conclude that light-emitting diode irradiation can accelerate the wound healing process in rats. But it shows no significant difference between two group which were both under phototherapy.


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