  • 學位論文


A Study of the Bodily Experiences of Belly Dance

指導教授 : 陳其澎


中文摘要 肚皮舞的身體經驗之研究 本研究角度乃闡述肚皮舞(Belly Dance)在帝國主義與女性主義轉化的過程中,對於女性身心靈上所扮演的角色。其文化意涵之特殊性又如何影響女性對自己身體的害羞與認識,以及心靈上轉換的身體經驗。理論架構是以東方主義學者薩伊德(Edward W.Said)的觀點出發,著重討論女性與社會價值觀的關連,並運用身體感官經驗的描述,強化肚皮舞對女性而言所代表的文化意涵之探討。 既以討論肚皮舞為題旨,在研究方法上則採取文本分析與參與式觀察法,蒐集大量肚皮舞相關文本為資料分析來源,以此定位肚皮舞在社會文化裡所扮演的歷史角色。另外,將研究的時間軸,由古埃及直到二十一世紀現代的時空背景下,以社會流行文化之轉變作為分期探討的準則,分別由女神崇拜時期、世界博覽會時期、女權運動時期與健康導向時期。分別討論其中:(1)肚皮舞文化在社會價值觀的轉變。(2)肚皮舞身體經驗的符號意涵。(3)女性跳肚皮舞在社會認同的轉向,包含隱身到現身的位置轉換。 本研究的結論可歸納為三個向度: (1)在社會文化價值觀的轉換之中,總是隱藏著身份認同與性別認同之問題。女性藉由肚皮舞面對社會文化下的身體。 (2)肚皮舞藝術在文化階級中,是凝視與窺視的關係。亦呈現女性對於身體的釋放與尊重的體驗。 (3)肚皮舞的身體經驗,隨社會文化的變遷,不斷的轉化變形。但呈現於流行文化中的形象,仍以最前衛、現代的象徵,深刻影響著女性的生活方式與文化想像。


東方主義 肚皮舞 身體經驗


Abstract This study illustrates the roles of belly dance playing for females’ physical, mind and spirit during the transferring between imperialism and feminism. How the characteristics of the cultural meaning delivered by belly dance have influenced females’ shyness and cognitions and the bodily experience during spiritual transition? The theoretical structure of this study is based on the perspectives of Edward W. Said, who is an Orientalist. The connection between females and social values is discussed and by the description of bodily sensuous experiences, the cultural meaning presented by belly dance for females is explored greatly. The theme of this study is belly dance and then textual analysis is adopted. Much textual information about belly dance has been collected and thus the historical roles of which belly dance have played in social cultures has been defined. Furthermore, the time axis of this study has been set from Ancient Egypt till the modern time of the twenty-first century. And the transition of social popular cultures has been set as the basis of periodical discussions, i.e. Goddess Cult Period, World Bazaar Period, Feminism Period and Health-oriented Period. The following topics are discussed: (1) The transition of belly dance culture in terms of social values (2) The symbolic meaning of bodily experience of belly dance (3) The transferring of social cognition to belly dancing, including the transition from a stealth position to an appearing position. The conclusion of this study can be categorized into three aspects: (1) During the transition of social cultural values, there always have some issues about identification recognition and gender recognition. By belly dance, females understand their bodies under social cultures. (2) The art of belly dance in the section of culture is the relation between gazing and peeping. It also presents females’ relieve and respect of their bodies. (3) The bodily experience of belly dance has been transiting and changing under the changes of social cultures. However, in terms of the images of popular cultures, it is still the most avant-garde and the most modern symbol, which influences profoundly females’ life style and cultural imaginations.


belly dance Orientalism bodily experience


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