  • 學位論文

TFT-LCD 模組壽命預測研究

A Study on TFT LCD Module Life Time Prediction

指導教授 : 邱裕方


近幾年來,液晶模組產業不斷蓬勃發展,產業間相互的競爭也越來越激烈,若要在激烈的競爭中脫穎而出,提高產品的生產技術、品質與可靠度是非常重要的,尤其是消費性電子產品。因此,產品壽命预估值正確與否,將會左右未來廠商之信譽。 在本研究中選擇19吋液晶監視器模組作為研究案例,利用加速壽命實驗方法取得產品的失效時間,採用參數估計法求得壽命分配的參數值,運用K-S適合度檢定探討產品實際壽命分配;再依據液晶模組適切的壽命分配,推估正常使用條件下產品壽命時間,以協助業者能有效進行產品保固期風險評估。


Recently, the TFT-LCD module markets are expanding rapidly, the industry is extremely competitive. To survive in the competitive markets, companies must improve the manufacturing technology and the quality with reliability, especially for consumptive electrical product. Therefore it is very important for company to predict product performance correctly. The purpose of this study is to understand the life time and probability distribution of the TFT-LCD module. This paper chooses a 19" TFT –LCD Monitor module as a case study. The paper will apply accelerated life test method to collect failure time of products. An accelerated life test method is adopted to determine the life time distribution of the TFT-LCD module and study the statistical distribution of product life time in the research. Base on the goodness of fit test result, this study estimates the forecast that life time of product. And assist in risk analysis prediction of TFT-LCD module to manufacturer.


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