  • 學位論文


A Praxis of An Elementary School Principal’s Leadership on Immigrant Education

指導教授 : 簡玉敏


近幾年來,新移民成為我國多元文化教育之新興議題,而新移民係指來自大陸及東南亞地區嫁至台灣的女性。然而,這些新移民成為性別、種族及階層的三重弱勢團體。為了要改善她們的生活和文化適應,學校為推動新移民教育的重要地方。而校長必須發展新移民教育領導,且關注公平性、社會正義及尊重差異。因此,我國政府在北、中、南三個地區設置「新移民學習中心」,而桃園縣平鎮市忠貞國民小學為北區的「桃園縣新移民學習中心」。 本研究主要在探究「桃園縣新移民學習中心」之運作情形,並探討校長如何推動新移民教育,瞭解校長新移民教育理念及實踐情形,更進一步探究校長新移民教育之成效及其面臨的挑戰。 本研究參與者包含校長、4位學校行政人員、3位中心行政人員、2位教師及4位新移民志工。資料蒐集包含參與觀察、正式訪談、非正式訪談、文件分析及研究日誌,且運用持續比較法(Glaser & Strauss, 1967)進行資料分析。並使用三角檢證、研究者回饋及參與者查證,以確保資料的真實性。 本研究主要發現指出校長為「新移民學習中心」的重要領導者,積極推動新移民教育。另外,「新移民學習中心」成為新移民的「後頭厝」,她們喜歡來這裡學習中文和其他文化適應課程。新移民稱此中心為「快樂天堂」,因為她們在中心找到朋友並互相扶持。藉由課程及活動的參與,她們找到自信和自尊,且以成為中心的一份子為榮。


“Immigrant” has become an emerging issue to be dealt with in recent years in Taiwan. Immigrant refers to China and Southeastern-Asian woman who is married to a Taiwanese. Those women then become triple minorities in gender, ethnicity, and stratum. In order to improve their lives, and facilitate culture adaptation for immigrant, schools are the ideal places to promote immigrant education. Thus, school principals should develop leadership on immigrant education and care about the fairness of achievement, social justice and respectful environment. Thus, our government set up three “Immigrant Center of Learning” in northern part, midland and southern part of Taiwan. As a result, Jong-Jen Elementary School in Tao-Yuan County was chosen to establish an “Immigrant Center of Learning”. By employing a case study approach, this study aims at understanding what is the arrangement of the “Immigrant Center of Learning”? How an elementary school principal promotes immigrant education, what the principal’s educational beliefs and goals are, and what the challenges the principal encountered. Participants of this study were composed of the principal, four directors, three senior section heads, two teachers and four volunteers of immigrant. Data collection included observation, formal and informal interviews, and document analysis. Data analysis employed the six steps of Constant Comparison Method (Glaser & Strauss, 1967). Data trustworthiness includes triangulation, feedback and member check from the instructors for the accuracy of data interpretation. The primary findings indicate that the principal plays the important rule on the center. He promotes education on immigrant actively. In addition, the “Immigrant Center of Learning” is regarded as a “family-like” place for those immigrant, who enjoy coming to the school to learn Chinese and other cultural adaptation courses. They call the center “a joyful paradise” because it’s a place they can make new friends and laugh together. Through attending the course and activities, they gradually find their confidence and self-esteem. As a result, they were proud of being members of the center.




陳慧珍(2010)。新移民志工參與志願服務之研究 -以桃園縣新移民學習中心為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201000244
