  • 學位論文


The Design Patterns and Elements for Friendly Interactive Learning Space in Campus - a Case Study of the Chung Yuan Christian University

指導教授 : 胡寶林


摘要 近年來台灣校園空間改造的風氣日漸盛行,許多大學系館空間以及廣場都有新的面貌,使學生們留在校園生活的時間增多了,校園的角落可成為學生學習與生活的場所。中原大學在近年的「校園空間改造」上也著實看到一些新風貌。藉由以設計學院為主的計畫執行及配合教學實作,包含教育部補助的「創意校園計畫」(Creative Campus)、「創意學院計畫」(Creative College Environments)、「教學卓越計畫」(Excellent Education Projects)及校內計畫之經費補助營造了友善校園的成果。這些空間有休憩、社區交流、討論、上課運動,產生了能刺激多元學習以及對環境的思維。各個空間的使用影響了學生的凝聚力,這些空間也許不再稱為生硬的校園空間,而是學生可以隨時隨地學習的校園大教室。 本研究目的在於找出中原大學校園戶外的友善角落空間,檢視友善校園空間的設計模式及環境元素與使用者的互動。本研究從校園空間的六種使用類型出發,進行觀察訪談及分析,從中原大學的案例經驗中研究發現友善校園空間可參考的六種友善空間設計概念:(1)正式的教學空間與非正式的友善教學空間;(2)不同時間體驗校園空間的友善生活觀;(3)無圍牆的校園芳鄰友善大社區;(4)友善校園空間元素的催化設計;(5)節慶人潮的友善大戲;(6)各自認同的長期活動場所。在友善校園空間設計元素方面則有四種互相配套的模式:(1)兼具友善資訊及國際意象之校門口空間設計模式;(2)親切、綠化、傘桌與咖啡氛圍之院館入口空間設計模式;(3)有迴廊與座階的中空之廣場空間設計模式;(4)多角落之藝文與景觀生態園林設計模式。


Abstract Campus renewal projects have become increasingly popular recently; many department's space and plaza have new style and features, and the campus corner has become a living place for learning and study, additionally, increasing the elapsed time for students in campus. It can't be ignored the effect of campus renewal in Chung Yuan Christian University recently. For instance, the execution of scheduled plans associating teaching practice mainly conducted by the design college, including projects like "Creative Campus", "Creative College Environments", "Excellent Education Projects" and subsidy of campus plans achieved a friendly campus environment. The successful campus renewal made students and neighborhood's residences more studying and living spaces such as rest, leisure, discus and sport, and resulted a diversified study and thought of environment. The use of each space influence the cohesion of students and these spaces are no longer called the campus space, the whole campus environment will become a big classroom for learning. The objective of this study is to find the friendly corner in the outdoors of Chung Yuan Christian University, to investigate the interaction between users and design patterns of friendly campus as well as environmental elements. This study is based on six usage types of campus space, using observation, visits and analysis, to research and discover the design concepts of six friendly space types to be treated as reference from the case-based experience of Chung Yuan Christian University: (1) Formal teaching space and informal friendly teaching space (2) Experience the friendly life concepts in different times. (3) Friendly campus as a big community including the neighboring district without walls.(4) Catalytic design of friendly campus space elements.(5) Season's ceremonies of the university in the friendly places as festivals (6) Respective identified long-term activity areas of the user. There are four mutually coordinated patterns in terms of design elements for a friendly campus: (1) The design of the school entrance with both a friendly information service area and an international image.(2) The design of colleges and departments entrance with a kind atmosphere and green field and coffee tables.(3) The design of center-opened square with arcade and seating stairs.(4) The design of ecological landscapes with diverse corners for leisure use and arts.


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