  • 學位論文

中原大學學生的全人教育目標知覺、 校園參與經驗與學習成果的關聯性研究

Relationships among the Goal of the Holistic Education, the Experience on Campus and Learning Outcomes of University Students' Perceptions

指導教授 : 潘正德 楊慶麟


中文摘要 本研究以中原大學九十四學年第二學期大學部學生為調查對象,旨在瞭解中原大學全人教育理念的實施現況,分析不同背景學生在全人教育目標知覺、校園參與經驗及學習成果的差異情形,並探討此三者間的關聯性,進而根據研究結果,提出相關建議,以供高等教育校務經營者與未來研究者之參考。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以自編之「中原大學學生的全人教育目標知覺、校園經驗與學習成果關聯性調查問卷」進行調查,共發出1385份問卷,回收1207份,去除無效問卷17份,計得有效問卷1190份,可用率為85.9%,主要運用描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數及Pearson積差相關等統計方法分析。 根據研究所得結果,彙整本研究結論如下: 一、就中原大學多數學生的整體知覺而言,中原大學業已營造「親身實踐,促進心感動,提升人性靈」的全人教育場域。 二、中原大學學生所認知的校園現況,已達普通至滿意的程度,但對學生的期望目標還有進步的空間,可朝充實校園支持系統努力。 三、中原大學學生的全人教育目標知覺、校園參與程度與學習成果,會因背景不 同而有差異。例如:性別、年級、就讀學院、社團參與經驗、擔任幹部經驗、 打工經驗、宗教信仰及住宿情形等。 四、中原大學學生的全人教育目標知覺、校園參與經驗與學習成果具有顯著的正相關。 基於上述發現,本研究提出理念的傳承與革新應並重、多元化及深入化的宣導途徑與執行策略、充實校園支持系統等建議,以提升學生校園參與的廣度與深度,增進學習的成果,並對後續研究者提出若干未來研究之意見。


Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of promoting holistic education philosophy in Chung Yuan Christian University, and to analyze the differences and correlation between the students from different backgrounds in their perceptions of holistic education goal, experiences in campus involvement, and learning outcomes. According to the findings, few suggestions were made to serve as reference for the school administrators of higher education and future researchers. The subjects of the study were the university students from second semester in 2005 in Chung Yuan Christian University. The methodology was based on questionnaire. A “Questionnaire of Correlation Between Perception of Holistic Education Goal, Experience in Campus Involvement, and Learning Outcomes for Chung Yuan Christian University Students” was developed as a research tool. A total of 1207 questionnaires returned and obtained 1190 valid ones after the elimination of 17 invalid ones. The valid response rate is 85.9%. All data collected were analyzed by the methods of descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation. The findings of the study were summarized as follows: 1.In terms of most students’ perceptions, the university has created the Holistic Education field which contains “Personal Practice, encouragement of heart movement, and promotion of humanistic spirit”. 2.The students’ perceptions for the campus environment have reached the level between “normal” to “satisfied”. However, it has not reached the students’ expectation. It suggests that the campus supporting system still needs to be improved. 3.The students’ perceptions of educational goal, the extent of experience in campus involvement, and learning outcomes were different from their backgrounds, such as their gender, grades, department, the experience of clubs involvement, the experience of being a cadre, the experience of doing part-time jobs, religious beliefs, and accommodation. 4.There is a significant positive correlation between the students’ perceptions of Holistic Education Goal, the campus experience, and learning outcomes. In order to improve the extent and depth of the students’ experience of campus involvement and enhance their learning outcomes, suggestions were made as follows: a) the inheritance and innovation of the philosophy should be equally emphasized; b) the way of promotion and strategy implementation should be focused on diversification and deepness; c) the campus’ support system should be improved.




