  • 學位論文


Study on the Fast Customize Service of GPS Antenna Module

指導教授 : 林賜德


在流行時尚的驅使下,越來越多的產品都講究個人特色與特點。不論是從食衣住行育樂的基本需求,都已經改變了供應者的型態。M型化社會的來臨,追尋奢侈品的特殊需求將達到了最高峰。為了更符合客戶的需求,企業日新月異的提升技術,但是也因為如此,企業在面對消費者的獨特喜好下,面臨必須考量高昂與客製化成本的情形下,需用大量客製化的生產方式。 企業都了解,滿足客戶才有生存的機會,但是全然為客戶導向的產品,是無法達到平衡的生產規模。客製化產品種類繁多,雖然能夠真正得到獲利平衡的產品也不少,但是這都是極具特色性與無法大量被複製的情況下的精品等級,對於產業競爭力及生產人力需求是無法提供的。所以企業將生產方式轉向大量客製化的趨勢將會滿足客戶要求,並進而使企業擁有最大創造價值,走向大量客製化的企業模型。第一步,首先必須了解企業本身的核心價值競爭力,確認未來定位方向,導入生產管理念提到的相關理論。將延遲理論、敏捷製造、供應鏈管理等的相關生產方式實用在企業經營上,修正企業製造步伐調整,順應潮流需求,而達到企業所希望達成的目的。 本研究收集國內的GPS天線產業相關資料,透過研究個案分析,了解此產業的企業生產模式狀態並搜尋跡象及研究新生產模型是否能走向大量客製化生產分析。研究中並收集市場的預測需求,由預測配合未來實際需求,提出該產業的新企業生產模式相關的結論及建議。除了希望提供現階段客製化的產業做為檢視走向大量客製化參考外,也能提供企業在走向大量客製化的需求下,能夠先檢視本身的企業模型,作為未來企業體質改善的相關參考。


GPS 客製化 延遲理論 生產模式 敏捷製造


Driven by popular fashion, more and more customers consume products with individual characteristics. In order to satisfy customers’ specific interests, businesses have to consider how to balance both cost and customization, and it finally leads businesses to choose mass customization production model. For surviving, businesses have to satisfy customers’ needs. But pure customer-oriented products can not achieve scale-production and then let businesses make profits. Although there are so many types of customized products, only few businesses can make profits from their products. Therefore, business chooses mass customization production model to satisfy most customers’ interests and also to create most profits. Businesses have to first understand their own core competence, determine their future position, and refer to some production theories such as delay theory, agile manufacturing and supplying chain management. So, businesses can modify their production model to satisfy the needs of popular fashion and also maintain their core competence. This study collects relative data of domestic GPS antenna industry, through case study to understand the production models of GPS industry and to study whether new production models will come to the trend of mass customization. This study also collects forecasting needs of the market. For satisfying future actual needs, this study makes some conclusions and suggestions of new production model for the reference of GPS antenna industry. Other businesses which face the needs of mass customization may inspect their own production models and then modify their industry constitutions.


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