  • 學位論文


Teachers' Perspectives on Integrating Technology into Instruction:a Survey of Junior High School Mathematics Teachers in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 袁媛


摘要 本研究以桃園縣國中數學領域教師為母群體,按照規模與地區抽取26所學校為調查對象,以問卷調查法探討桃園縣國中數學領域教師實施資訊融入教學現況與影響因素。經統計分析後歸納重要結論如下: 一、桃園縣國民中學數學教師中,有81.6%的教師對於資訊融入教學表現出正向的態度;97.6%的教師擁有普通以上之資訊知能;6.4%的教師完全未使用資訊科技融入教學;62.2%的教師實施時間達到教育部實施資訊融入教學的標準。 二、教師們一致認為,影響教師實施資訊融入教學之因素依其影響程度排序分別為「時間」、「設備資源的配合與維護」、「教師的資訊素養與信心」、「教師的認同態度」、「學校的行政支援」、「學生的資訊素養與設備」、「世界潮流與同儕影響」。 三、小型學校與中小型學校教師資訊融入教學態度比大型學校教師正向;中小型學校教師資訊融入教學時間高於大型學校教師。 四、曾經是(含現在是)資訊種子學校教師比從來不是資訊種子學校之教師,使用較多元的資訊融入教學策略。 五、班級內不能上網的教師比班級內能上網的教師,在教學上使用較多元之資訊融入教學策略。 六、五年內曾接受過資訊訓練之數學教師,其資訊融入教學態度較正向、資訊知能較高、使用較多元之策略且實施時間較長。曾接受專業電腦訓練並領有證書者比未受訓練之教師資訊知能較高、使用較多元的資訊融入教學策略且實施時間較長;參加過政府或學校單位舉辦之研習30小時以上者,其資訊融入教學態度、知能、策略與使用時間四方面表現均優於未受訓之教師。 七、課外使用電腦15~20小時之教師,其資訊知能高於0小時與1~5小時之教師;課外使用電腦15~20小時之教師比0小時、1~5小時與10~15小時之教師使用較多元的資訊融入教學策略;而課外使用電腦5~10小時和15~20小時之教師,其資訊融入教學使用時間均高於課外使用電腦1~5小時之教師。 最後針對研究發現與結論,提出建議,以供改進資訊融入數學教學之參考。


Abstract The study used a questionnaire to investigate junior high school mathematics teachers’ perspectives on integrating technology into instruction. Based on the school size and location, 250 mathematics teachers from 26 junior high schools in Taoyuan county were selected as research samples. Major findings of this study were as the following: (1) 81.6% of the teachers showed positive attitude on integrating technology into instruction. 97.6% of them thought that they possessed technology literacy at or above the average level. 6.4% of them did not integrate technology into instruction at all. 62.2% of them satisfied the request from Minister of Education of the application time of integrating technology into instruction. (2) All of the investigated teachers had a consistence on factors that affect their wishes to integrate technology into mathematics instruction. The order of these important factors are time, support and maintenance of equipment resource, teachers’ technology literacy and confidence, teachers’ self-identity and attitudes, support of school administration, students’ technology literacy and possession of computer equipment, world trends and influence from colleagues. (3) Teachers from median and smaller schools showed more positive attitude than those from larger schools on integrating technology into instruction. Also, teachers from median and smaller schools spent more time in applying technology into instruction than those from larger schools. (4) Teachers from the key schools of information technology used multiple teaching strategies in technology integration than those who are not from the key Schools. (5) Teachers from classes without internet access used multiple teaching strategies in technology integration than those from classes with internet access. (6) Teachers who took related training programs within five years showed more positive attitude, possessed higher information knowledge, used multiple teaching strategies, and spent more time in technology integration than those who did not take any related training programs. (7) Teachers who used computers for 15~20 hours per week out of school time showed better in information knowledge than those using 0~5 and 1~5 hours. Teachers who used computers for 15~20 hours per week out of school time used multiple teaching strategies than those using 0, 1~5, and 10~15 hours. Teachers who used computers for 5~10 and 15~20 hours per week out of school time spent more time in integrating technology into instruction than those using 1~5 hours. Based on research findings and conclusions, recommendations were also proposed for future references.




