  • 學位論文


The Relationship of Filial Piety and Effort Belief in Chinese Societies

指導教授 : 危芷芬


本研究主要是想了解華人之孝道與努力信念的關連。楊國樞和李本華(1971)、楊國樞、葉光輝、黃囇莉(1989)發現,在台灣或其他華人社會中,孝還是最重要的生活價值或德行。黃光國(2007)提出儒家社會的成就動機模型,區分儒家文化中社會賦予高度價值的「縱向目標」,以及出於自身興趣的「個人目標」。前者因為與角色義務有關,因此可能被視為盡孝道的方式。Stevenson(1990)指出,相對於西方文化而言,華人尤其強調「努力」的價值。本研究參考顏綵思(2007)的努力信念問卷,將努力信念區分成努力道德觀與努力修養觀,並且探討個人追求不同類型目標時,其努力信念與孝道態度的關連。研究者推論:當個人努力追求符合角色義務的縱向目標時,孝道態度與努力信念有所關連,並且將會得到正向評價。 研究者以兩個實徵研究探討孝道態度與努力信念的關連。研究一以學業成就為例,探討「孝道」與「努力信念」的關連。研究一的參與者共有76人。研究者分別測量順從父母期待之孝道觀及回報父母恩情之孝道觀等孝道態度,以及努力修養觀與努力道德觀等兩種努力信念,然後進行淨相關分析。研究結果顯示,在追求學業目標時,回報父母恩情之孝道觀與努力道德觀及努力修養觀存在正相關,而順從父母期待之孝道觀與兩種努力信念無關。上述結果顯示出,對於大學生而言,追求學業成就與盡孝道有關,而且付出努力是因為自我本身的內在動機以及為了善盡角色義務。 研究二探討,當個人追求不同類型的生活目標時,「孝道」與「努力信念」的關連,以及追求目標所帶來的評價及情緒。研究二的參與者共有105人。研究者要求參與者列舉自己的縱向目標或個人目標,然後針對上述目標評定其努力信念,而且填寫孝道態度量表。研究結果顯示,在追求縱向目標時,順從父母期待之孝道觀與努力道德觀之間存在顯著正相關,而回報父母恩情之孝道觀與努力道德觀以及努力修養觀都存在顯著正相關。但是在追求個人目標時,孝道態度與努力信念無關。其次,研究者對於追求不同目標的評價及情緒感受進行T檢定。追求縱向目標較能夠對父母盡孝以及履行子女和學生的義務,並且對家庭有正向影響。放棄縱向目標有較大的愧疚感,而放棄個人目標則有較大的後悔感。淨相關分析顯示,順從父母期待之孝道觀與多數依變項都存在顯著正相關,而努力道德觀與所有依變項存在明顯正相關。上述結果符合縱向目標的定義(黃光國,2004),並且顯示出華人的家族取向(楊國樞,1993)。 綜合研究一與研究二的結果,在追求縱向目標時,順從父母期待之孝道觀與努力道德觀都反映出角色義務的重要性,而追求個人目標則與角色義務無關。另外,追求縱向目標有助於增進家人關係的和諧以及家人面子,顯示縱向目標符合重要他人之期待(黃光國,2004)。本研究的樣本僅限於大學生,未來可以針對其他年齡層進行研究,並且釐清回報父母恩情之孝道觀與順從父母期待之孝道觀的層次。


努力信念 孝道 角色義務


This research was aimed to explore the relationship of filial piety and effort belief in Chinese societies. According to Yang & Li (1971), Yang, Yeh & Huang (1989), filial piety is still the most important value or moral virtue in modern societies. Huang (2007) proposed that vertical goals were highly valued and represented social expectation and role obligation, and personal goals were based on one's own interest. Stevenson (1990) pointed out that, Chinese put more emphasis on effort than Westerners. It’s inferred that effort belief and filial piety are closely related with each other because of the moral value of effort. Therefore, pursuit of vertical goals accordant with role obligation is more desirable.   In Study 1, academic achievement was used as vertical goal to explore the relationship between filial piety and effort belief. There were 76 participantss. Questionnaires were used to measure filial piety of reciprocity and conformity, morality and self-cultivation of effort. Partial correlation analysis was carried out. The results showed that filial piety of reciprocity was positively correlated to both morality and self-cultivation of effort. But filial piety of conformity was not related to both kinds of effort belief. It was confirmed that pursuing vertical goals to involve internal motivation and helped to fulfill role obligation. Study 2 explored the relationship of filial piety and effort belief under different types of life goal, and compared the evaluation and emotion ing from pursuing vertical and personal goals. There were 105 participants in study 2. Participants were asked to nominate either vertical or personal goal, then evaluate their effort belief and attitude of filial piety. According to partial-correlation analysis, while pursuing vertical goals, filial piety of reciprocity was positively correlated to morality and self-cultivation of effort, and filial piety of conformity was also positively correlated to morality of effort. There was no significant correlation between filial piety and effort belief when they pursued personal goals. Results of T test showed that pursuing vertical goals were more likely to fulfill one's obligation as children and student, and have positive effect to family. In addition, participants felt guiltier when they gave up vertical goals, but more regret was attributed to giving up personal goals. Filial piety of conformity was positively related to most dependent variables, so was morality of effort. It is accordant with the definition of vertical (Hwang, 2004) and family orientation (Yang, 1993). In summary, both study 1 and study 2 showed that filial piety of reciprocity and self-cultivation of effort were out of personal autonomy, while filial piety of conformity and morality of effort were based on role obligation. In addition, pursuit of vertical goals not only enhances one’s own face, but also the family's face. The generalization of results was limited due to university student samples. Future study could be aimed to clarify the priority of two kinds of filial piety.


filial piety effort belief role obligation




