  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on Applying Service-Oriented Architecture on the Electronic Industry Supply Chain Management

指導教授 : 黃天佑


服務導向架構(SOA,Service Oriented Architecture)這一名詞在最近幾年經常出現,服務導向架構(SOA)儼然已成為現今軟體發展的重要觀念之一。SOA服務導向架構是一種新興的系統架構模型,主要概念是針對企業需求組合而成的一組軟體元件。 SOA雖然發展已有10多年,但台灣企業使用的仍不多,原因也是因為整體網路環境的不成熟,但隨著近年來網際網路的逐漸普及,及Web Service的興起成為標準,SOA也開始受到重視,若能在供應鏈中導入SOA的概念,相信必能發揮SOA的特色,替台灣電子產業的競爭力提供一個有更強大的支援。 從策略面來看,不論公司的組織如何異動,IT部門都能在最短的時間內,迅速的利用變更設定的方式來提供供應鏈中的任意部門主管所必需收到的簽核訊息,另一方面SOA架構是以流程為主的設計,因此在企業流程的變更下,管理者也能因應組織流程的變更,快速有彈性的獲得訊息,避免造成公司的損失,而由於SOA具有的任意修改彈性,因此以作業面而言,填表人若有需求上的變更,系統就可快速的滿足使用者的需求,本研究中IT人員在SOA的架構下,因應供應鏈的變化,快速開發出供應鏈所需的相關需求,即時的變更流程,快速反應,來解決因供應鏈異動所產生的問題,不須撰寫複雜的程式碼,改變系統架構,即可符合流程上的需求,充份發揮SOA的特性,因此若能在產品一開始生產時的供應鏈中導入SOA的架構,快速靈活的通知各個供應商新產品的訊息,便能加強彼此之間的合作,增加信任,降低風險,一旦整個供應鏈有任何的變動,都能透過SOA的架構來將損失減到最低。


Service-oriented architecture (SOA, Service Oriented Architecture) the term in the last few years often, service-oriented architecture (SOA) seems to have become today's software development one of the important concepts. SOA service-oriented architecture is a new model of the system architecture, the main concept is a combination of corporate demand for a set of software components. Although the development of SOA has been more than 10 years, but Taiwan is still used by many enterprises, the reasons for the overall network environment but also because of the immature, but as in recent years gradually popularizing the Internet and the emergence of a Web Service standards, SOA Have begun to be heard, if the supply chain to import the concept of SOA, I believe we can play to the characteristics of SOA, on behalf of Taiwan's electronic industry's competitiveness to provide a stronger support. From the strategy of view, regardless of how the company's changes, IT departments can in the shortest possible time, the use of rapid change settings in the supply chain to provide any necessary departments in charge of the projects, received the message, on the other hand SOA framework based on the design process, so the change in business process, managers can also be organized process of change, rapid flexible access to information, to avoid the loss, while SOA is the right to amend flexibility, So in terms of operations, guidance on the needs of the people if it has to change, the system can quickly meet the needs of users, the study of IT staff in the SOA framework, in response to changes in the supply chain, the rapid development of the supply chain requirements The related demand immediate change process, and rapid response to address supply chain issues arising from the changes, do not need to write complex code, change the system architecture, the process can meet the demand for full use of the SOA, So if a product to begin production in the supply chain into the SOA framework, fast and flexible to inform the various providers of new products message will be able to strengthen cooperation among themselves, increase trust, reduce risk, once the whole supply chain is Any changes will, through the SOA framework to minimize losses.


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