  • 學位論文

資訊產業 ”電子化供應鏈管理系統”設計與導入之探討—以A公司為例

A study of the design and implementation of “e-Supply Chain Management”in IT industry

指導教授 : 翁崇雄


二十一世紀的來臨,資訊產業界發生了以下幾項重大的變化。這些變化不僅令企業面臨前所未有的挑戰,更使得企業在整體產業中的競爭優劣勢重新大洗牌。 一、 產業匯流(Convergence)正大張旗鼓的席捲整個資訊產業,企業本身的策略定位漸趨模糊,以往建立起來的核心能耐(Core Competence)和競爭優勢(Competitive Advantage)似乎已不足以面對產業匯流的壓力。昨天還和你毫無關係的企業,明天可能變成你的競爭對手,或合作夥伴(異業聯盟)。 二、 資訊科技的突飛猛進,網路的無遠弗屆,造成了全球需求(Global Demand)和全球供給(Global Supply)的產業供需關係。地域性的保護罩不復存在,於是企業必須面對來自全世界一流企業的強大競爭。企業為了持續成長、擴大市佔率,微利時代於是降臨。由於需求的高度不確定性令企業必須嚴格控制整個供應鏈体系中的庫存,以避免造成令企業聞之色變的 ”黑字倒閉”。 三、未來的競爭已不再是企業與企業之間的單打獨鬥,而是以每一個中心企業所主導的供應鏈與其他供應鏈之間的競爭。因此企業除了獨善其身之外,更要投入許多資源和其上下游交易夥伴共同就交易流程和交易平台進行不斷的改善與整合。 本研究即是以某知名國內資訊產業大廠如何以策略定位為出發點,以流程再造為基礎再輔以最先進的資訊科技為工具,成功的導入了目前在台灣資訊產業界中尚屬少見的一套完整的電子化供應鏈管理系統為研究對象。在研究的過程中,我們發現了個案公司在專案的Kick-off會議時,即由高階主管明確宣示此專案不只是導入一套新的電腦軟體,更是企業重新調整策略定位和改變體質的重要活動。因此在專案導入初期公司內部大部份時間都是用於討論經營模式(Business Model)和流程改造(Business Process Re-engineering),反而用在IT相關技術討論的時間相對較少。事實也證明了這樣的作法是相當正確和成功的。 本文研究希望透過個案探討提供給台灣資訊產業一個成功導入電子化供應鏈管理系統的案例。並透過研究流程與研究架構盼能建立一套可以被依循的模式,並對未來相關的後續研究提供一個開端。


As 21st century comes, there are several significant changes on IT industry, which not only make the enterprises face the challenges that have never been before, but also restructures the competition position of each enterprise in the whole industry. 1. The Convergence is influencing the whole IT industry prevailingly. It becomes more and more vague of a company’s strategic positioning. The Core Competences and Competitive Advantages of a company which have been built before seems not to be able to cope with the huge pressure of the convergence. 2. The relationship of Global Demand and Global Supply has formed by the fast growing IT technology and the popularity of internet. There is no more protection for a local company caused by the region and territory. Every company is forced to compete with the first tier competitors anywhere in the world. 3. The future competition not only exists among one enterprise and another enterprise but will rely more on one supply chain and another supply chain. In order to be competitive in the market, company must invest a great deal of resources on its business partners in the inter-process improvement and integration. This paper illustrates how a well-known Taiwan IT company successfully implemented a comprehensive e-SCM system through the tools of BPR (Business Process Re-engineering) and advanced IT technology. We found, during the study, the management team of this company declared many times to the staff : We are not only implementing a new computer system. What we are going to do is to review our strategic positioning in the market and make necessary adjustment to sustain our competitive advantage. That's why they spent almost whole year in tuning and integrating the business processes with each supplier in stead of discussing IT technical issues. This paper is to provide a solid and practical example of implementing e-SCM system to the industry for their reference when they are going to take the similar activity. As we know, there are many theoretical studies related to SCM while it is still very rare could we find a NORM in the industry which may provide the guide-line for others to follow.


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