  • 學位論文

人力派遣應用成效評估之個案研究 —以高科技產業為例

Case Study on Dispatching Manpower Programs for High-Tech Companies

指導教授 : 吳美連


摘要 人力派遣是人力資源運用的眾多方法之一,但我國人力派遣相關法案卻遲遲未立法通過,這影響到許多派遣人員的相關權益與應盡的義務。而高科技產業採用人力派遣的目的為何?效益為何?產生何種管理上的新課題?是本研究產生的主要原因。 本研究以個案訪談的方式,針對高科技產業運用人力派遣所考量的決策要因,與人力派遣對高科技產業所帶來的效益予以分析。研究內容探討高科技產業運用人力派遣的現況,及所帶來的問題與企業內未來人力派遣的發展方向。研究內容將提供高科技產業未來在實施人力派遣時的參考,與派遣公司未來服務發展的改善方向,有助於人力派遣未來的發展。 本研究根據訪談研究結果,發展出以下命題: 命題一:生產淡旺季區分愈高(週期性)的高科技產業,愈可能會引用派遣人力。 命題二:要派企業若提供派遣人員轉任正職的管道愈暢通,則派遣人員的流動率會較低。 命題三:運用派遣人力短期無法降低企業人事成本支出,但若長期任用派遣人力,則因派遣人員的年終獎金、資遣費與薪資調整,將不會成為要派企業的負擔,才能真正節省人事成本。 本研究針對高科技要派公司與派遣企業,在人力派遣議題上提出看法,高科技產業與派遣公司,應加強對於派遣人員的管理與照顧,以穩定派遣人員的流動率,降低訓練成本,增加派遣人員的忠誠度,以達到人力彈性運用的目的。 關鍵詞:人力派遣、高科技產業、要派企業、派遣公司、派遣效益


Abstract Dispatching manpower is one of the many manners of human resources utilization. However, relevant legislations on dispatching manpower in Taiwan have not been passed at the Legislative Yuan, affecting the benefits and duties of dispatched personnel. This paper intends to explore the purposes, effects and the new management issues of using dispatching manpower by the high tech industry. This paper analyzes decision factors of high tech industry in dispatching manpower and the effects of dispatching manpower to high tech industry by method of case review. The research explores the current conditions of dispatching manpower by high tech industry, arising issues, and future dispatching manpower development by companies. The findings will serve as reference for high tech industry in future dispatching manpower allocation, future service improvement of dispatching manpower companies, and help the development of dispatching manpower. Based on the findings of the interviews, the paper has the following propositions: Proposition I: High tech companies with high distinction between peak and low seasons (cycles) are more likely to adopt the dispatching manpower method for personnel allocation. Proposition II: With smooth channels for dispatched personnel to become formal employees, the companies will have low turnover rate of dispatched personnel. Proposition III: In the short term, companies will not reduce personnel cost from dispatched personnel. In the long run, year-end bonuses, severance pay and salary adjustment will not become burden of companies and truly save personnel cost. This research proposes viewpoints on dispatching manpower to high tech enterprises requiring dispatch, as well as dispatch companies. They shall strengthen management and care for dispatched personnel to stabilize the turnover rate, reduce training cost, and increase the loyalty of dispatched personnel to achieve the goal of flexible use of manpower. Keywords: dispatching manpower, high tech industry, enterprises requiring dispatching manpower, dispatch companies, dispatch effects


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