  • 學位論文


Research on Effect on Recycled Concrete with Different Replacement Proportion of Coarse Aggregates by Construction Bricks

指導教授 : 何仲明


本研究主要是將營建廢棄物中,以不同比例之廢棄紅磚粗骨材取代天然粗骨材拌製再生混凝土,探討在不同水灰比下,其抗壓強度的發展趨勢、經高溫作用後的抗壓強度,接著利用非破壞性檢測中的超音波試驗探測通過再生混凝土試體之波速,以及利用微觀之燒失量試驗求得燒失量及水化程度而佐證試驗之結果。 試驗結果顯示,在不同水灰比下,廢棄紅磚取代量相同時,其再生混凝土之抗壓強度、高溫受熱後之抗壓強度及超音波波速折減變化不大,所以在取代量相同時,水灰比的高低對再生混凝土的影響是一致的;而在相同水灰比下,廢棄紅磚取代量不同時,隨著取代量越多,其再生混凝土之抗壓強度、高溫受熱後之抗壓強度及超音波波速皆逐漸降低,再生紅磚含量達100%之再生混凝土,其抗壓強度達到沒有取代之普通混凝土的85%;其高溫受熱之抗壓強度達到沒有取代之普通混凝土降低7.3~24.4%;因再生紅磚的超音波波速較低,所以超音波波速隨著取代量的增加而降低。燒失量試驗是取水泥漿體進行試驗,而用廢棄紅磚取代粗骨材為試驗變數,所以不管取代量的多寡,對燒失量的影響並不大。


The purpose of this study was to ascertain the effect on the development of compressive strength and residual strength at enhanced temperatures of recycled concrete with different water cement ratios and varies percentages of replacing coarse aggregates with construction brick wastes. Before fracture test is applied, non-destructive methods such as measuring the pulse velocity through the samples, and ignition loss tests to calculate the degree of hydration in recycled concretes. Experiment results showed that different water cement ratio of recycled concrete, replacing by the sane percentage of coarse aggregate by construction bricks, had a less significant effect on reduction variation of compressive strength, residual strength at enhanced temperatures and pulse velocity. And the compressive strength, residual strength and pulse velocity of recycled concrete were decreased when more recycled brick aggregates are used. The compressive strength of concrete with 100% recycled brick aggregate was 85% of ordinary concrete. Compared to plain concrete, recycled concrete had a 7.3-24.4% reduction in the residual strength at enhanced temperatures. Due to the pulse velocity of brick were lower, the test results of recycled brick concrete were decreased when more recycled aggregates are used. Otherwise, the experiment variable were adopted to recycled coarse aggregate, test results showed that a higher percentage of recycled brick coarse aggregates used in concrete would not affect the ignition loss test results critically.


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