  • 學位論文


Using De-mercury Lighting Phosphor Powder to Manufacture the Multi-layer Based Concrete Tube and Its Application Feasibility on the Transportation of Industrial Wastewaters

指導教授 : 黃武章


台灣地區每年約可達一億支日光燈管使用量,其中僅回收且未處理過之廢日光燈中的螢光粉估計約逾700公噸。我國目前處理後之廢棄螢光粉除了以無害化後掩埋處置外,現今仍是採集中收集貯存回收。又因回收後的螢光粉功效不及於未使用過的,故仍採貯存處理。加上台灣民眾對於環境生活品質及衛生概念越趨講究,都市人口對於污水的排放亦漸趨重視。因此若能將廢螢光粉應用於工業廢水輸送管且製成管材,即可解決螢光粉棄置處理之問題。 本研究以回收之去汞螢光粉、水泥及環氧樹脂製成螢光粉樹脂(基)混凝土。再利用單軸抗壓機、傅立葉紅外線光譜儀、元素分析儀、掃描式電子顯微鏡、能量分散光譜儀探討其複合材料之特性,再以沖刷迴流儀沖其表面,並以光學顯微鏡觀察表面刮痕程度之結果,而該樹脂混凝土的毒性特性萃取液係利用感應耦合電漿原子發射光譜儀分析螢光粉中所含之重金屬及有機物溶出情形。最後以自製多層積管成型機所製成的管材得出其酸鹼蝕能力。結果顯示抗壓強度最強之配比為螢光粉比例67 %,最大抗壓強度為822.31 kg/cm2;且螢光粉樹脂混凝土皆含有O-H與C-H官能基;而以自製多層積管成型機的確可製成管材,且酸鹼蝕試驗中自製多層積管材耐鹼能力較酸為佳;最後所得混凝土中各重金屬的溶出值皆符合環保署法規標準。因此以去汞之廢棄日光燈螢光粉製作多層積混凝土管及其應用於工業廢水輸送管是可行的。


In Taiwan the use of lighting lamps has been estimated to be around 100 million units per year, which will generate near 700 ton per year of recycled phosphor powder. Currently phosphor powder is disposed on landfill after been trated by detoxification or centric storage. Because recycled phosphor powder efficiency is lower than the unused one, it still needs storage treatment. Due to the increase of the concept of quality of life and health the greater sophistication in Taiwan, urban population for the discharge of sewage have become more seriously. Therefore, if the de-mercury lighting phosphor powder can be used in industrial wastewater tubes, we can solve the problem of the disposal of these recycled phosphor powder. In this study wehave used the recycled de-mercury lighting phosphor powder by mixing with cement and epoxy resin of concrete. The synthesized composites are characterized by unconfined compressive strength test, elemental analyzer, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, reuse of uniaxial compression machine and Fourier infrared spectroscopy. In addition the synthesized composites were washed by sand-containg flow, the we used a optical microscopy to observe surface scratches degree. Induced couple plasma was used to analyze the concentrations of ions in the leachate of the concrete. Finally, a multi-layer based instrument was used to test the capacity of acid-base erosion. In the case of the prepared concrete with a ratio of phosphor powder 67%, it showed the highest single-axial compression strength of 822.31 kg/cm2. and the resin concrete areenriched in O-H and C-H functional groups, and positive self-made multi-layer based instrument can do the system into the tube, and the acid-base erosion test in the capacity of self-made multi-layer based concrete tube in alkali condition better than in acid condition. The results of induced couple analysis of synthetic concrete is far below the regulatory standard of Taiwan EPA, therefore, to use de-mercury lighting phosphor powder to manufacture the multi-layer based concrete tube and its application to apply to the transportation of industrial wastewaters is feasible.


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