  • 學位論文

以非線性區間迴歸模式 分析線上音樂願意支付價格

Using Nonlinear Interval Regression Model to Analyze Willingness to Pay for Online Music

指導教授 : 胡宜中


科技的進步使得線上音樂這類型的數位化產品的崛起,網路的普及加速數位音樂 檔案取得的多樣性,而傳統唱片市場逐漸在這股潮流下受到衝擊。由於DRM 授權機 制逐漸確立下以及對P2P (Peer-to-Peer) 業者 (Kuro 與ezPeer) 的制裁,使得國內知名 廠商開始相繼投入線上音樂市場。但相較於線上音樂的蓬勃發展,國內線上音樂商的 付費會員僅佔總會員約10 %之比例,國內線上音樂業者在營利分配上僅賺取微薄利 潤,必須倚賴眾多的付費會員來分攤成本以提升營收。另外,2006 年創市際研究顧問 調查發現消費者在使用線上音樂上,尚未付費的原因以「不願花費」與「覺得價格太 貴」佔居一、二名,這顯示出線上音樂使用者願意支付價格與線上音樂經營者定價的 合理性是一個頗為值得探討的議題。願意支付價格係來自於消費者的主觀評估,故以 非線性區間迴歸模式分析每一位消費者對於不同線上音樂商在願意支付價格的上限與 下限應較為恰當,並以此分析國內較知名的線上音樂商KKBOX 與ezPeer+ 在定價上 的合理性。 經實證結果發現,兩家平台使用者所預測出的價格區間大部份均包含目前的定 價,而使用者的平均WTP 皆小於平均上限與下限價格以及廠商目前定價,顯示雖然 市價在可接受的價格範圍內,但市價對於消費者而言仍過高。在上下限價格區間部分, 兩家業者在大於一個標準差以及小於一個標準差的樣本屬性分佈上有些許差異。另 外,兩家使用者的屬性在WTP 上之差異程度,發現「取得音樂管道」與「著作權知 識瞭解程度」在WTP 上有其差異。由於WTP 本身包含合理低價與合理高價之概念, 其合理高價與合理低價之間的範圍即屬於消費者認知合理價格區間。廠商可從合理價 格區間之概念與上下限價格之差距採取不同的行銷組合與制定價格之參考依據。


The popularization of broadband provide the various in music channel to consumer. The criteria of DRM (Digital Rights Management) is established completely and to punish the firms of the P2P (Kuro, ezPeer) makes the domestic well-know firms begin to invest in online music market. It compare with the booming development of online music, the domestic online music operators only earnings meager gross profit in distributing profit, and have to depend on a lot of members to pay for the music in order to share the costs and expand the market. However the paying member only has the comparison of member about 10% and obviously influences the key of operator's existence. The market research discover the consumers on using online music, “Unwilling to pay” and “Feel that the price is too expensive” are the main reasons why they don’t want pay. It shows that the willingness to pay of the online music users with online music executive list price of the rationality is the subject that one is very worth to research. The WTP is subjectively evaluated by consumers, therefore it is reasonable for the different online music operators to use nonlinear interval regression model analyze the upper bound and the lower bound of consumers’ WTP, by nonlinear interval regression model analyze rational pricing of domestic online music firms. The results show that the average predicted interval WTP of consumers are lower than the pricing of KKBOX and ezPeer+. It indicate that consumer feel the price is too expensive. The firms should anew evaluate the price or use other marketing to attract consumers to pay higher.


吳建和、蔡翔斯,2003,數位音樂商品市場消費特性之研究,運籌研究集刊,4 期:
