  • 學位論文


An Operation of Tamsui Historic Sites as the Catalyst for Community Development

指導教授 : 喻肇青


近幾年,由於捷運通車及沿河觀光遊憩空間的開放,淡水迅速成為全國觀光客最多 的城市,對於僅十三萬居民的小鎮,每年卻需面對數百萬因觀光而造訪的遊客,淡水做 好了準備嗎?眼見現階段急遽上升的觀光數字及經濟發展,觀光確實影響淡水的環境、 遊憩及生活世界。而忙著繼續開發觀光資源的政府;忙著賺錢的店家,忙著對抗觀光破 壞的文化工作者;忙著維護家園寧靜的居民;在欣欣向榮的圖像下,多了些不解與危機 的課題。 本研究主要是以「淡水古蹟博物館」在地管理的角度,藉由地方經營的策略與營造 行動,探討博物館與城市發展的關係及共同面對永續經營的課題;並在台灣文化資產保 存脈絡中,探討文化資產所面對發展及保存間的衝擊點。從「ECO-Museum」的種種國 外的理念引介開始,透過在地經驗的操作、觀察、訪談及檢視,來整理淡水在地工作經 驗做為回應理念。 淡水古蹟博物館從誕生、運作到作為地方發展觸媒;近五年的實踐經驗中,透過行 政設計的轉換、空間整合的策略、家鄉守護的環境策略乃至與地方產業的結合機制,扮 演著地方發展觸媒的角色。對於未來博物館經營的永續與城市發展的結果,雖仍是條未 竟之路,但是做為地方經營的現階段,本文獲得以下結論與建議: 一、以在地文化營造的「生活」做為概念,以解構當今博物館的機構化限制,讓博物館 存在的價值不只是專業、展示及研究典藏的功能,而是更貼近生活核心的內涵與價 值。 二、以「文化事務派出所」在地管理行政設計機制,改變過去政府金字塔的官僚管理模 式,讓政府在地方的文化規劃,透過博物館的文化管理更為真實並發揮成效。 三、整合在地資源以啟動「創意城市」的觀念,以社區營造機制及思維的轉換來面對課 題的解套,透過改造的行動計畫-「淡水河口藝遊網」的整合及執行,冀望改造能 提高城市的競爭力與博物館永續經營的機會。 四、歸結出以博物館做為地方發展的觸媒角色,積極面對觀光衝擊與不同發展圖像,以 城市的特色及真實生活,讓「歷史淡水」能重現。


In recent years, with the opening of the Taipei Metro and the releasing of the tourism space along the riverside, Tamsui has rapidly become the city with most tourists in Taiwan. As a small town with only 130,000 inhabitants, is Tamsui ready for accommodating millions of tourists each year? Thanks to tourism, the economy and the related figures have never looked so good. However, the environment, the leisure space, and the quality of life here are affected by it as well. Here in Tamsui, the government is busy with exploiting tourism resources; the store owners are busy with making money; the cultural workers are busy with opposing the damages brought by tourism; the residents are busy with maintaining the tranquility of the neighborhood. Conflicts and issues therefore arise under this prosper image of Tamsui. Applying the viewpoint of Tamsui Historic Sites, together with its site-based management strategy and actions, this paper mainly discusses the relationship between museum and the development of the city, as well as the issues they face for achieving sustainable management. In the context of preserving cultural assets in Taiwan, its conflicts with economic development are also covered. Beginning with the introduction of various ideas about “ECO-Museum” in the world, followed by observations, interviews, and examinations, the paper compiled many local experiences as responses to the issues and conflicts. Ever since from its birth and operation, Tamsui Historic Site has been playing the role of the catalyst for local development through its transformation of the administrative system, its strategy of space integration, its idea of environmental protection, and its integration mechanism with local industry. Although in terms of the management of the museum and the development of the city, the future is still hard to predict, this paper concludes and suggests the following: 1. By applying the concept of “living” inspired by local culture in order to break the limitations of institutionalized museum today, the values of the museum thus no longer lie in its professional function of research and display the collections, but in its ability to approach the core values of our daily life. 2. By applying the administrative mechanism of site-based management instead of the bureaucratic management of the government in the past, the museum is able to act itself as an “office of cultural affairs.” The local cultural planning is more realistic and effective in this way. 3. By integrating local resources to initiate the concept of “creative city,” also by switching different ways of thinking and applying the model of community empowerment to resolve the problems, the competitiveness of the city and the chances of managing the museum sustain ably should rise through the integration and realization of the reforming plan – “Flagship Project: Creative Tamsui.” 4. As a catalyst for local development, the museum should actively deal with the impacts brought by tourism and balance different aspects of developments. By representing the uniqueness of the city and the real life in it, “Historic Tamsui” shall be alive again.


Heitage. Museums and galleries: an introductory reader/edited by G.Corsane,
Sebastian CAVALIER (2006) ° Towards a National Policy for the Protections


周靖倫(2011)。淡水河口藝遊網計畫之分析 - 以Landry創意城市分析架構為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2011.00600
