  • 學位論文


A Study for The Maturity Model of IT Outsourcing Relationship

指導教授 : 許通安


在這個由資訊主導的社會運作架構下, 有許多的環境要素是由資訊基 礎建設所建構而成的, 適當的資訊技術應用有助於提昇組織資訊分享的成 效; 由於在資訊分享時, 資訊呈現或傳遞所需的資訊技術過於複雜, 且相 對成本過高, 現今世界上没有任何一個企業組織可以完全自行處理企業資 訊基礎建設, 可以說都和資訊技術供應商維持著某種形式的委外合作關 係, 以確保能取得所需的資訊技術支援。如何能讓資訊委外關係策略的準 確定位, 得以維繫資訊技術委外關係; 這正是本研究的研究動機。 本研究藉由資訊技術委外關係關係成熟模型來建構資訊技術委外關係 成熟階段; 用來探討不同資訊技術委外關係成熟階段組織群體的特性, 以 及處於不同資訊技術委外關係成熟階段組織, 對資訊技術委外策略所關注 的重要議題。 本研究採用問卷調查法, 探討台灣地區組織目前的資訊技術委外關係 成熟階段, 可能是處於那一個階段, 和不同資訊技術委外關係成熟階段組 織群體的特性。本研究樣本群體是以資訊技術委外關係的客戶端組織為研 究對象, 並不特別設定為某一營利或非營利組織 本研究歸納推論得到四個結論, 分別是目前台灣地區大部份組織的資 訊技術委外關係成熟階段應是處於成本階段、資訊技術委外關係成熟階段 組織群體的特性、不同的資訊技術委外關係成熟階段組織群體擁有不同的 資訊技術委外策略重要議題、以及資訊技術委外策略地域特性。 本研究發現, 不論是處於那一個階段的組織, 在資訊技術委外關係的 維繫上, 非常倚重會計或是資訊部門; 結盟發展關係人皆為會計經理人和 資訊技術經理人。因此, 本研究認為台灣地區組織應該隨著資訊技術委外 關係成熟階段演進, 同步提昇會計或是資訊部門的組織層級到適當的位 置; 讓他們的資訊技術委外的決策權也獲得提昇, 應該會有助於資訊技術 委外策略執行, 和維繫資訊技術委外關係。


In this informat ion-oriented social operat ion st ructure, a lot of environmental key elements are bui l t by informat ion inf rast ructure. An proper informat ion technical appl icat ion wi l l be helpful to promot ing the ef fect of organizing informat ion sharing. The informat ion technology is too compl icated that informat ion appears or transmi ts when informat ion is shared. And, The cost is too high Relat ively. There are organizat ions that can total ly deal wi th enterprise's informat ion inf rastructure by oneself in the wor ld. They keep some outsourcing relat ion wi th the informat ion technology vendor. It ensures that they obtain necessary technical informat ion support . How to make the informat ion outsourcing relat ionship strategy local izat ion accurately to maintain informat ion technology relat ionship. This is the mot ivat ion of research study. This study bui lds the maturi ty stage of IT outsourcing relat ionship by the maturi ty model of IT outsourcing relat ionship. It can probe into the characterist ic of those organizations in di fferent maturi ty stage of IT outsourcing relat ionship. And, the important theme is what they care that those organizations in di f ferent maturi ty stage of IT outsourcing relat ionship. This study adopts the survey method to probe into those organizations in Taiwan may be at which maturi ty stage of IT outsourcing relat ionship , and the characterist ic of those organizations in di fferent maturi ty stage of IT outsourcing relat ionship.The sample group of this study is the cl ient-end organizat ion of IT outsourcing relat ionship. It can be a commercial or nonprofi t organizat ion. This study gets four conclusions, including the maturi ty stage of IT outsourcing relat ionship is at the cost stage which Taiwan organizes most ly at present , the characterist ic of those organizations at different maturi ty stage of IT outsourcing relat ionship, they are di fferent that the impor tant theme what they care that those organizations in di fferent maturi ty stage of IT outsourcing relat ionship, and the local characterist ic of the IT outouring strategy. Original ly discover whichever the stage of organizat ion maintaining of the IT outsouring relat ionship, rely on the accountant or informat ion department for counsel very much. Al l is account ing manager and informat ion technology manager that be an al l iance development people. So, this study shows i t should be wi th the maturi ty stage of IT outsourcing relat ionship in gradual progress, the organizat ion level of promot ing the accountant or the informat ion department simultaneously arrives to the proper posi t ion. Let the decision power of the IT outouring strategy be promoted too. It wi l l be able to helpful for the IT outouring strategy executing. and maintaining the IT outsouring relat ionship.


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