  • 學位論文

發展中國家資訊系統導入與教育訓練之研究- 以馬拉威愛滋病病歷資訊系統為例

A Study for Information System Implementation and Training in Developing Country- A Case Study of TESMART for Malawi

指導教授 : 吳肇銘


近年來許多國家積極投入縮減國際數位落差,將資訊科技帶入發展中國家, 讓發展中國家能運用資訊系統的快速作業。然而若要將資訊系統成功實施於發展 中國家之組織內,資訊系統導入工作的重要性不可忽視,進行資訊系統導入的過 程中,所實施的教育訓練,更是會影響資訊系統導入成功。 而在發展中國家在資訊基礎建設不佳、使用者資訊素養有限的情況下,要如 何有效地將資訊系統成功地導入、妥適地進行教育訓練,進而運用資訊系統於組 織機構內,正是各國在協助發展中國家縮減國際數位落差中,所必需特別注意且 相當關鍵的研究議題。 故本研究透過個案研究方法,深入地剖析與瞭解在發展中國家進行資訊系統 導入及教育訓練時之人力編制、作法與步驟、困難與解決方式以及績效評估方法, 期望給予未來欲協助發展中國家進行資訊系統導入與教育訓練者,做為一個重要 的參考依據。根據個案研究法分析後,本研究歸納出以下幾點結論如下: 一、系統導入方面 1. 人力組織階段: ‧ 專案人力組織組成:在發展中國家資訊基礎、資源及人才普遍不足之情況 下,可尋找具有縮減國際數位落差經驗或具有數位優勢之國家、以及NGO 團體之力量共同參與導入合作案,採用跨國組織合作模式,運用各方的優 勢與資源,將有助於系統導入之執行績效。 ‧ 專案目標分析:由於發展中國家在推動系統導入之資訊資源不足,必需倚 靠國際組織資源共同參與系統導入案,因此,為了促進跨國團隊之間之溝 通,專案團隊應具備語言溝通人才,使用共通語言,將可促進跨國組織間 之溝通與合作。 ‧ 專案人員聘用上:因發展中國家數位落差之問題,當地缺乏相關的資訊人 才進行導入之工作,因此,可聘請海外資訊人員參與系統導入案,而透過 簽約制可提高海外資訊人力之穩定度,此外,在國外生活較為艱辛,為了 加強海外資訊人員之工作意願,更應加給生活相關津貼。 2. 專案需求分析階段:由於各國之風俗民情不盡相同,專案團隊應更妥善收集當 地之風俗民情、文化與價值觀之相關資料,透過與當地NGO 組織密切聯繫,明 確掌握當地之文化與風俗,將有利於專案需求分析之工作。 3. 系統分析與測試階段 ‧ 系統分析:為了設計符合當地需求之系統,由於來自跨國之資訊人員缺乏 領域專業知識(醫療),因此,可與當地NGO 組織及具有領域背景之人員合 作,用專業協助資訊人員進行系統功能之設計,透過二方相互合作,更有 助於系統分析之工作。 ‧ 系統測試:由於發展中國家數位落差之問題,為了增加員工使用資訊系統 之機會,可邀請員工參與系統測試之工作,亦可檢測系統流程是否符合當 地使用習慣。 4. 教育訓練階段:由於發展中國家之人民較少有接觸資訊科技之經驗,大多數員 工均是透過教育訓練學習系統操作知識,因此,教育訓練之實施品質將會影響 系統導入之績效。 5. 系統導入階段: ‧ 系統導入接受:由於發展中國家數位落差較為嚴重,資訊科技在發展中國 家而言是一項新穎的技術,因此,資訊科技之「新穎性」有助於提高「單 位」與「員工」對於系統之接受度。 ‧ 系統導入後初期評估:欲評估系統導入後初期之績效,可使用系統滿意度 問卷進行評估,初步了解使用者對於系統接受程度,了解使用者對於系統 是否容易使用、系統對於工作上是否有幫助、使用者對於使用系統之態度、意 向及滿意度、以及系統運作的品質,將可做為全面性的衡量參考依據。 二、教育訓練方面 1. 人力組織階段:因數位落差而無法在發展中國家尋找合適之師資,因此,人力 組織可採用跨國合作模式,尋找已開發中國家且具有資訊素養之大學志工協助 擔任師資,而志工可與當地醫療NGO 組織共同合作,結合資訊科技與醫療專業 之合作方式,將更有助於教育訓練之準備與執行。 2. 需求規畫階段: ‧ 為能將教育訓練之工作推動更為順利,專案團隊必須先收集當地之風俗民情 與價值觀之相關資料,可透過與當地NGO 組織密切聯繫,有效掌握當地之風 俗民情與進行教育訓練之注意事項,將有助於教育訓練之準備工作。 ‧ 在發展中國家進行教育訓練時,來自海外之師資應充份搜集教學元素,因地 理環境因素之考量,可透過網際網路與當地NGO 組織溝通聯繫並取得進一步 相關資訊,將有助於減少教學準備之成本。 ‧ 來自海外之教育訓練師資應就其語文溝通能力充份準備,方有利於教育訓練 之實施。 ‧ 在發展中國家教育訓練師資之人力缺乏下,來自海外之教育訓練之師資,更 應對教學內容有交互式之了解與熟悉,充份發揮每位師資之功用,方有助於 輔助教育訓練之執行。 3. 實施教學階段: ‧ 由於在發展中國家實施教育訓練,因數位落差之問題,教育訓練之師資應更 注意教學方式,以有效提昇教育訓練之效果,進而讓整個系統使用有更佳有 效。其中,以「目的-操作式」、「模擬情境」、「角色混合」及「競賽」等方 式實施教學可獲得良好之教學成效。 ‧ 在教育訓練有限時間及人力下,必須將實施過程中所發生的問題改善回饋, 而執行過程中立即調整訓練內容,將有效提昇教育訓練之績效。 4. 評估階段:採用階段性評估,善用各種評估模式以利確認達到各階段之目標, 有助於教育訓練實施之品質。


In recent years, numerous countries have actively invested in reducing international digital divide and bringing information technology into developing countries for a swift operation of using information system. Nevertheless, for a successful practice of information system in the organizations of the developing countries, the importance of implementing an information system is essential. During the process of implementing the information system, training is especially critical for the success of this process. Under the circumstances with poor information infrastructure in the developing countries and limited information training, how to effectively and successfully implement an information system, have appropriate training, apply information system in organization and institutions, have become crucial and key research subjects in a joint effort by many countries to reduce international digital divide in the developing countries. The purpose of this study is to investigate and understand the implementation and training of information system, manpower disposition, measures and steps, difficulties and resolution, and performance evaluation in the developing countries through research method of case study. It is anticipated that research findings may provide an important reference for the administrators who work on information system implementation and training. After case analysis, conclusions of this study are summarizes as follows: 1. System implementation 1) Manpower organization stage: ‧ Organize manpower for the project: In case of insufficient information infrastructure, resource, and talents in the developing countries, nations with experiences of reducing international digital divide or digital advantages may be invited. By adopting a cross-country organizational cooperation model, joint participation of NGO team in a cooperation project of implementing the information system may take advantage of resources from every individual organization, which is helpful in system implementation. ‧ Analysis of project objective: Due to insufficient information resources during system implementation in the developing countries, joint efforts from resources of international organization for system implementation project are essential. Thus, for improving communication of international teams, project teams shall have language experts for international communication and cooperation. ‧ Hiring of project staff: Due to digital divide in the developing countries, information technology experts are needed locally for the implementation project. Hence, overseas information technology experts may be recruited to participate in system implementation project. By signing a contract, job security and stability of overseas manpower may be increased. Additional bonus for overseas staff may be granted for the hardship living abroad so as to increase their intention to work outside of their homeland. 2) Analysis of project needs stage: Due to various customs in every country, project teams shall learn to accommodate to local cultures and values; by closely contacting with local NGO, it is helpful for project analysis. 3) System analysis and testing stage: ‧ System analysis: In order to meet the standard of local system, since international information technology staff may lack professional knowledge in medicine, they could cooperate with local NGO organization and staff with background in medicine for the design of system function. The collaboration of both may be beneficial in system analysis. ‧ System testing: Due to digital divide in the developing countries, employees may be invited to participate in system testing for increasing the opportunities for them to use the information system; system procedure may also be tested to see whether it meets local needs. 4) Training stage: Since people in the developing countries have fewer information technology experiences, most employees learn system operation through training. Hence, quality of training will affect the performance of system implementation. 5) System implementation stage: ‧ Acceptance of system implementation: Due to serious digital divide in the developing countries, information technology is a brand new skill in those countries. Thus, the “novelty” of information technology may help improving system acceptance by “unit” and “employee”. ‧ Initial evaluation after system implementation: In order to evaluate the initial performance after system implementation, system satisfaction questionnaire may be used to understand users’ system acceptance, whether the system is easy-to-use and beneficial for the job, users’ attitude, intention and degree of satisfaction, quality of system operation for a comprehensive evaluation. 2. Training 1) Manpower organization stage: Due to serious digital divide, qualified teaching staff may not be available in the developing countries. By adopting international cooperation model, professional staff may be searched from college volunteers who specialize in the field in the developed countries. A joint effort by volunteer workers and local medical NGO organization can combine information technology and medical profession to help the preparation and administration of training. 2) Planning the needs stage: ‧ For a smooth and successful training, project team must collect information concerning local customs, cultures and values; effective monitoring of local culture and important measures in training through close contact with local NGO organization is beneficial for the preparation of training. ‧ During training in the developing countries, teaching staff from overseas shall fully prepare teaching elements. Considering factors of geographic environment, communication contact through internet and local NGO organization for further information may help reducing cost for teaching preparation. ‧ Training teaching staff from overseas shall be well-prepared in language communication ability. ‧ Due to staff shortage of training in the developing countries, teaching faculty from overseas shall have interactive understanding and familiarity of the teaching contents so that every teaching staff may fully function to assist the administration of training. 3) Teaching practice stage: ‧ Due to digital divide in training in the developing countries, teaching staff shall pay more attention in teaching methods in order to improve the results of training for a more functional system such as “objective-operational”, “simulations, “combination of roles”, and “competition” to obtain the best teaching results. ‧ Due to limited time and manpower in training, problems happened during the process need to be resolved and improved; immediate adjustment of training contents will effectively improve performance of training. 4) Evaluation stage: Various evaluation models are used to confirm that objectives in every stage are accomplished for quality of the training.


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