  • 學位論文


The Different Between Profession Persons and Non Profession Persons in Describing Space

指導教授 : 陳歷渝




Interior design implementation process is divided into numbers of stages. Designers need to convey design concepts to the recipients with communication media (languages, texts, pictures, drawings) in various stages. To understand the differences between space feelings and describing vocabularies that generated when the different recipients reading the same space images, First, the study collects vocabularies that used by "Taiwan Interior Design Magazines" reporting interior design works. Then use the space characteristics,space atmosphere, space styles that constituted by space theory, classificating the vocabularies collected by magazines, and screen out "the space vocabularies. Then use the non-professional ones (freshmen) and professional persons (five-year experience designers) as the objects, and use interior space photos as tools. Among them, beginners questionnaire issued 57 parts, 30 parts recovered among them. Professional questionnaire issued by 33 parts, and recover 30 parts. The survey executed by two stages. First investigate is for clarifying differences between both sides’design cognitions. Second investigate analyzes the relevance of interior design work experiences for space vacobulary cognition Aim to the both sides’choosing vacobularies for image samples feelings, and the words that explanating why to choose. Add up the times of all objects’choosing vacobularies, and use the both sides’works ages to explore the difference between design communication. And then exploring the both sides’similarities and differences of interpretation of spatial vocabulary according to the word descriptions of questionnaires. The study founds that clarify for space vacobularies is 23 sets. The differences between professional and non-professional ones’ be good at communication tools, familiar communication ways, and work ages, leadind to the influences of feelings for interior spaces. The words descriptions found, both sides’spatial vocabulary in the same sense with obvious differences.


