  • 學位論文

系統家具工廠觀點之櫥櫃家具 訂製作業系統研究

The study in operation system of customized cabinet furniture from system furniture factories point of view.

指導教授 : 魏主榮


中文摘要 系統櫥櫃從規格品大量生產方式轉變成客制化生產形態,符合市場潮流,普遍受到設計師及消費者的喜愛。早期的市場僅使用在辦公家具或機關學校工程家具屬於制式化產品。現在普遍使用在居家裝潢市場,能夠量身訂作,使得系統櫥櫃的業績蒸蒸日上,產業蓬勃發展。 因此系統家具業者面對大量客制化的生產模式下如何能快速及精確的將設計師圖面藉由電腦訂製作業系統搭配自動化加工設備,能夠自動轉換成生產料單,方便進行廠內一系列加工程序及控管,此部份是目前客制化系統家具工廠能具備優勢及競爭力的主要因素之一。目前台灣大部份系統家具工廠的生產作業模式還是仍得仰賴熟練之技術人員來主導生產,導致有許多的問題存在。生產效率無法快速提升;面對競爭壓力導致交貨期短,容易出現品質下降、缺補料問題;需使用大量純熟人力拆料計價,人員訓練困難;裁板算料仰賴人工效率低,且無法正確估算板材使用數量造成備料短缺或增加庫存;鑽孔師父得依板材尺寸每一片個別編輯輸入,容易出錯也浪費時間。 為了解決以上問題,系統櫥櫃目前使用之訂製作業軟體不僅只是單純拆料功能,更要能夠提升效率及正確率,及節省人工上發揮功能。這將能協助系統家具工廠面對市場之競爭。除了生產方面的訂製作業軟體搭配自動化加工設備,運用現代電腦傳輸訊息技術與企業有效的接軌與整合,使生產流程更加流暢,生產效率得到提升。另外在產品樣式方面也可以根據不同空間用途開發設計多種樣式模組。供消費者或設計師選擇,也能提高拆單正確率及生產效率,縮短交貨週期。


Abstract System furniture is transforming its business module - from fixed sizes mass production to customized production in order to matching market trend in Taiwan and has been widely accepted by interior designers and public recently. Back to the early market stage, system furniture was focusing on standard sizes and only limited being used as office furniture、government offices and schools projects. However, over the past twenty years, system furniture industry in Taiwan is focusing on customized design and has been commonly used for households’ interior construction market. This transaction has redefended system furniture industry that widely acknowledged by the market and leading to a flourishing industry concluded by raising sales volume. The new customized system furniture business module forced factories operators started to apply computer operation system which comes with auto-processing equipment software. This software is one of the main advantage competitive factors to customized system furniture factories which can transfer design pictures to assembly pieces. Factories relay on these pieces numbers to do the following production process. At present, most of the system factories can only relay on experienced makers doing the productions. However, relay on manpower leads to many issues,such as:low production efficiency、squuze production schedule result to low products quality、missing cabinets pieces for assembling of construction sides,all of these processes are highly relay on experienced workers. It always took a long period of time with cost to discipline a fresh worker to be an experienced operator. High labor costs and low company reputation are critical competitive factors facing by factories owners. In order to resolve above problems, system cabinet factories are applying auto-processing equipment software. The software is not only put interior design into production pieces, but also stronger the efficiency and accurate rate to the factories. Factories are also satisfied with lower labor cost that distinguishes them from their competitors. Auto-processing equipment software is not only combines auto processing equipment but also association with different departments within the factories. Well communication within the system leads to better accuracy and improved production process. Meanwhile, factories can also develop varieties of product modules based on diverse functions of different spaces. Designers and end users are both benefit by better accuracy、higher efficiency and shorten delivery time.


呂錦雄(2014)。系統櫥櫃樣式模組化之研究(國立臺北科技大學 EMBA 專班碩士論文),台北市。
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