  • 學位論文


A case study on the design of interior sleeping aid environment in Taiwan metropolitan area

指導教授 : 魏主榮


莎士比亞曾說:「睡眠是人生豐盛的饗宴」。睡眠,不僅是生命的活力泉源,也是人體重要的健康支柱。根據調查,目前睡眠問題嚴重影響著全世界高達45%的人口健康與生活品質。睡眠問題與個人生活及環境息息相關,若長期睡眠不足,將對身體產生極大的傷害。 睡眠環境對於睡眠品質有顯著的影響,改善其睡眠環境將有助於獲得更好的睡眠品質,「室內助眠環境設計」研究以文獻分析法、實地調查法與專家訪談法三者並行,來分析影響睡眠的環境因素,並以專門提供旅客休憩住宿的旅宿進行調查 ,探討如何運用室內設計專業規劃助眠環境來進行實證研究。 在研究成果方面,本研究提出溫度、濕度、噪音、光線、色彩、寢具、空氣質量、環境整潔度、整體睡眠環境等條件,是主要影響助眠環境的外在因素。並根據由Hotels Combined訂房網站由大數據所統計出廣受歡迎的全台好眠旅宿作為實地調查個案,再統整由室內設計師、旅館主管、商業人士提供專業的建議,最後提出綜合定量數值與專家建議的「室內助眠環境的設計原則」,提供給設計者或是飯店經營者作為參考。 整體而言,改善睡眠品質可以讓身心受益,提昇日常生活及工作效率。「睡眠美好,讓生活變的更加美好」。設計師在考量美學的同時,也應將室內助眠環境因素納入設計之中,來打造出讓大眾都能安然入睡的睡眠環境。 關鍵字: 助眠、助眠因素、旅宿空間、臥室設計、睡眠空間


Shakespeare once said, "Sleep, the main course in life's feast, and the most nourishing." Sleep is not only the spring of life but a vital pillar of the health of the human body. Past surveys show that over 45% of the global population has been affected by sleep disorders in physical health and quality of life. Sleep is closely linked to personal habits and environmental factors. Long-term sleep deprivation can cause serious physical harm to the human body. Sleep environment is a significant factor that affects the quality of sleep. Improving sleep environments contributes to better sleeping quality. This study on "indoor sleep-inducing environment design" uses literature review, field survey, and expert interviews to analyze environmental factors that affect sleep. A survey on lodging spaces specializing in relaxational service products is conducted, and the empirical data is analyzed to discuss how professional interior design can provide solutions to creating sleep-inducing environments. The results are the following. This research found that temperature, humidity, noise, lighting, color, furniture, air quality, cleanliness, and overall sleep environment are the primary external factors for sleep-inducing environments. Bulk data collected by the booking website Hotels Combined are analyzed to select the most popular accommodations in Taiwan that prioritize sleep quality. Following field surveys of these selected venues, recommendations provided by interior designers, hotel managers, and business managers were compiled and assessed. Based on expert recommendations, a final composite value measurement is proposed, along with a "design principle for indoor sleep-inducing environment" based on expert recommendations. These results can be offered to designers and hotel managers for future reference. In general, improving the quality of sleep benefits physical and mental health and improves the quality of life and work efficiency – "Sleep well, live well." Designers should incorporate indoor sleep-inducing elements into their projects in addition to aesthetic considerations so that their final products could result in environments where people could fall soundly asleep. Keywords: sleep induction; sleep-inducing factors; lodging spaces; bedroom design; sleep environment


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