  • 學位論文


The Attribution and Reasoning of a Supervisor’s Paternalistic Leadership– A Subordinate Perspective

指導教授 : 李明彥 李雨師


依循過往有關於家長式領導的相關文獻,其切入觀點大都是以領導者為出發點探討其領導行為對部屬所帶來的外在層次效果,而未曾有以部屬觀點探討領導者行為之解讀與歸因的內在層次效果,然而在部屬與領導者互動的過程中,部屬對於主管行為的認同特別重要,其中特別要注意部屬如何解讀與解讀歸因為何,其攸關著領導者其領導行為之影響力作用。 因此本研究目的為以部屬觀點理解部屬如何解讀與歸因主管其行為,以及本研究以組織型態較穩定產業的中階主管與基層員工之對偶作為研究對象,採取深入訪談的方式進行資料蒐集,共蒐集16位有效訪談資料和45筆關鍵事件。 從研究結果發現領導者確實展現了威權領導、仁慈領導、德行領導等三種家長式領導風格。其二,在部屬解讀主管其行為中,發現會產生正面或負面兩種的解讀。第三,在部屬解讀主管其行為依據中,發現正面解讀來自部屬察覺其行為背後的教養精神;或欲引發其自發性動機;或其所處之組織家庭化氛圍。而負面的解讀主要來自部屬於主管之行為中,感受該行為之展現目的純粹是為了宣洩情緒,或是為了達成個人私利。


Though there is much research concerning paternalistic leadership, most of them take the leaders’ perspective rather than the subordinates’ in examining the external effect of leadership behaviors on subordinates. Yet, subordinates’ interpretations and affirmation towards their leaders are of paramount importance as they may significantly influence the interaction between two parties as well as the leaders’ behaviors. Thus, acknowledging this literature gap, this work attempts to undertake the perspective of subordinates to understand how they interpret and attribute the behavior of their superiors. It focuses on the relationship between mid-level managers and grass-root employees in the organizations of more stable industries. In-depth interviews were adopted to collect data with 45 key events and 16 valid interviews. The findings showed that there were positive and negative interpretations of superiors’ behaviors from the view of subordinates. Particularly, it was found that positive interpretations were resulted from the perception of a parental spirit, encouragement of taking initiating roles, or family atmosphere in the organizations. In contrast, negative interpretations mainly stem from subordinates’ perception that superiors’ behavior was purely a way to vent their emotions or achieve personal benefits.


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